<A> Rogue LF late night mythic progression guild

Returning Raider after a long hiatus from raiding. Currently gearing Outlaw, looking to play all 3 specs of Rogue in SL maining w/e spec is most optimal. I’m looking for a late night raiding guild, as my work schedule causes me to only being able to reliably raid between the hours of 12 am - 6 am EST.

Raiding History-
I peaked as a CE raider in Mist of Pandaria, on Civil - Area 52 playing an Enhancement Shaman, then re-cleared Mythic SoO as 5 other classes.

After that I dropped down to heroic raiding and becoming more casual at the game. From Warlords playing the first tier as a Feral Druid named Civilthelord - Area 52. Then Legion Cloudraze - Sargeras a Fury/Arms warrior.

What type of guild I’m looking for -
A guild that is looking to push into and make progress into Mythic raiding come SL. That is a late night raiding guild starting at either 12 am EST or later.

How to contact me -

Send an in-game mail to Carltherogue - Sargeras alliance side. Or add Civil#1301 real id.