Looking for a new mythic raid team for my Rogue, willing to transfer servers.
-AOTC Uldir, BoD, CoS, and 6/9M BOD
-Currently 7/8H EP
Need a west coast friendly raid time (8 - 11PM PST ideal). Also enjoy M+ was 1.9K IO last season.
Looking for a new mythic raid team for my Rogue, willing to transfer servers.
-AOTC Uldir, BoD, CoS, and 6/9M BOD
-Currently 7/8H EP
Need a west coast friendly raid time (8 - 11PM PST ideal). Also enjoy M+ was 1.9K IO last season.
Hello! We are currently hunting for top tier DPS and healers for Mythic Palace. We offer atypical raid times (morning/afternoon) and would love to chat if you can make our times. Here’s our forum post for more info, and good luck on your search!
We are currently looking for DPS for The Eternal Palace to fill the rest of out roster to push the rest of heroic and start on mythic.
Expectations of mythic raiders
Raid consumables (flasks) are covered as well as feasts. We expect raiders to maximize the use of these tools. Additionally, all raid repairs are paid by the guild bank.
Optional Tuesday
Tuesdays is our laid back raid night. It’s more of a loot grab for Alts. Casuals are encouraged to participate!
Current Recruitment
Just looking for a guild? Not looking to raid? Not geared to raid? Give us a try! We take casuals and under geared alike! Taking good people for good times!
Classes in high demand
If you have any questions feel free to contact one of our officers in game
Officers: Crocker#1180/Adz#1372/Little#1359
US-Area 52 - Horde
Focus: Semi-Hardcore Mythic Raiding and Dungeons
5/8H EP
3/9M 9/9H BoD
Mythic Raid Times
Optional Raid Times
<Seraph> of US-Mal’Ganis is a multi-team, adult raiding guild. We have been among the top guilds on the server for almost ten years, and we will continue to be here for years to come. We offer a full community experience and make friendships and memories that last a lifetime.
With such a large community, we offer our raiders a wide selection of events to participate in. Our guild features:
Core raids for each team
Community raids open to all
Legacy & achievement events open to all
M+ Dungeons
Twitch hosting for raiders
Social Media promotion
Active guild discord
Blizzcon meetups
Each of our teams have unique needs and schedules. Please visit SeraphGuild.com
to view the needs of each team! We are an adult guild and have an 18+ policy.
Color Blind - 7/8H Eternal Palace (8:30pm - 12am CST, F/S) - ilpad#1438
Blacklisted - 6/8H Eternal Palace (6pm - 9pm CST, T/Th) - diddy177#1798
Insomnia - 4/8H Eternal Palace (10pm - 1am CST, W/Th) - gorgeouss#1922
Clockwise - 3/8H Eternal Palace (8pm - 11am CST, Su) - ilpad#1438
Tyrannosaurus Rekt - 7/8H Eternal Palace (9pm - 12am CST, Su/M) - drastically#1553
Guild Master: Ilpad (ilpad#1438)
Communications Director: Jaymie (jaymie#11120)
[b]Visit SeraphGuild.com
for more information, and watch us raid at [u]http://twitch.tv/SeraphGuild[/u]![/b]