Just for fun from these negative stuff. WHAT DO YOU DO?
make lewd and suggestive comments to them… i’m so touch starved… someone plz hold me!
Pour the wine and tell him he can never leave…hes going away for life for stealing my heart…eyebrow waggle
Rob the robber!
/Uses Pickpocket
Actually the robber will be confused since you stealthed. Robber sees nothing. Robber happy. Robber gets cheap shot by Hella. Yes for fun you can include you character’s abilities.
I keep a bowie knife within easy reach.
Heh… hehehehehe… cackles evily
Ain’t gettin outta here alive… /shapeshifts cat
I think it’s time for this robber to get some electro shock therapy. 2,000 watts coming up!
Won’t a bear scare him more? Oh wait this is a giant, deadly, scratch-to-death cat.
I have two German Shepherds (the dog breed, not an actual shepherd you wierdos). I just sit back and watch the carnage.
show off my goods, i live alone and by so i wear my birthday costume every day at home. That should show them! Also i got a couple of sparing swords and a machete i can use to chase em off. If i’m lucky he’ll drop his wallet while panicing.
Shifts into Treant Form. I’m much deadlier than ye think scum!
Realise it’s just Grumbles to deliver me cookies. I’d warm some milk for him and we’d share some pleasantries over our tasty supper.
That got me a good laugh LMAO!
How come am I not invited! Lol.
First of shat me pants, then give want they want credit card money anything to get em out. lol.
You are, good sir.
But I have a feeling if the guy busted into Grumbles home. Grumbles would just offer cookies and the robber would forget why he was here in the first place.
Call work and say, “This is one of your D units calling in a code 10 on a 12A at my address.”
And then proceed to watch every county and city unit show up on my street.
An equally effective idea, no?
Only the best. Either poisoned cookies or just lovely cookies with M&Ms in it. I bet you can figure out which one.