Heya, I am looking for a raiding guild to progress through content with in DF
I have been a warrior main all the years ive played wow
I stopped Raiding a little after getting my Nighthold CE back in legion, I played a little BFA and Shadowlands but didnt really enjoy it, Now back for dragonflight playing hard and really enjoying my time so im looking to raid seriously again, more serious than before haha.
Im really keen to find a guild with a good community of people who like doing stuff outside of raid aswell!
Willing to play Arms and Fury depending whats better for each fight.
Pretty much any raiding time is good for me and im not too fussed on the guilds previous raid experience just as long as the raid members are ex CE/current CE players or your guild has downed a few Shadowlands raid bosses on mythic!
Can chat on discord if required , allgood with using comms in raid