Hey there Sybelica, Disorientated might be what you are looking for. We are a smaller, close knit, family style guild that raids both Heroic and Mythic. Right now, our Heroic team is looking for healers and dps for Shadowlands. Check us out and let me know if you have any questions!
Disorientated of Stormrage is an Alliance guild that is recruiting for Mythic and Heroic raids in Shadowlands.
Who we are:
Disorientated consists of a group of raiders who have been raiding together for a while, and of course, some newer members. We are currently 6/12 Mythic, and are currently working on Ra’den progression.
Our goals:
Our goals are simple. We strive to progress as far as possible while having fun. This is a game after all, and we want to be a place where you can unwind and forget the day. With that in mind, we do not like drama and strive to keep it out of the guild. On off nights we have a blast doing M+ and some PvP. During raids we joke around and have a good time during trash, but when it is time to pull the boss, it is business.
About the raid teams:
The Mythic raid team is focused on achieving Cutting Edge each tier. We are also recruiting for a Norml/Heroic AOTC team as well. We are focusing on quality over quantity!!
Mythic Team:
The current raid days and times are Tuesday and Wednesday from 7pm – 10pm EST. In Shadowlands, a third night will be added for progression, though the day is not set yet. This team is almost full, but we do want to have a few good people in the “bullpen”. Bullpen members will be rotated in to ensure everyone gets to experience the content.
Heroic Team:
The Heroic team is currently recruiting healers and dps. This team is in the early stages of formation, but currently runs Heroic on Mondays from 7-10pm EST with the mythic team. Raid days and times will be Tues and Fri 8-11pm EST.
Contact Info:
We can be reached on B-net at Ryouice#11303 (me, GM), Ksir37#1289 (Ferwin, Heroic Raid Leader) or Zhredder #1995 (Battleyoshi, Mythic Raid Leader). You can also hop in our Discord at h ttps://discord.gg/c8yvzvu.
Note: during the day we have limited access to Discord, so please be patient. Feel free to chat with anyone who may be on at the time until one of us gets on.