[A] Returning player looking for raiding guild

Hello All, returning player who’s been casually playing the past few months ready to get back into raiding mythic and upcoming shadowlands. Left before due to RL issues. I plan on transferring to Sargeras with a friend of mine.

Ive been raiding on and off when I can for over 10 years, getting realms firsts and cutting edge achievements. Currently I have been casually playing the past few months:
Rdruid (Luvhate-Zul’jin)
Mage (Rasalia-Zul’jin)

Last I’ve raided was with the mage in Uldir, logs are still up when searching Rasalia under the name Kolira in warcraftlogs.

Feel free to get in contact if interested,
Bnet: Luvhate#11170
Discord: Kolira#5579

Hi there, I added you on Bnet so we could chat! Our guild listing is posted as well if you’d like to check out our information and have access to other officers to speak to about possible guild membership.