So I been playing on and off for the past few xpacs. Mostly because of job and lack of an actual guild. Now with my current job I have set hours, that aren’t 12 hour shifts 7 days a week like in Legion, so decided I can put some time into WoW.
Currently can play from like 6am-8am EST Sun-Thurs. I work 3rd shift, so thats after my work. I am off friday and saturday nights, so I am free for the entire night on those 2 nights.
Mostly looking to do M+ dungeons and maybe have a casual raid group that does normal or heroic. I am really interested in Torghast, it just looks like it should be a lot of fun and is supposedly soloable which is great for my time frame. Looking at either playing this rogue, has been my main since Vanilla, or I am leveling a Dark Iron Paladin, I only really enjoy prot and holy as paladin though.