[A] Returning group of friends looking for heroic/M+ guild

There are a total of 4 of us so far looking to raid together and do m+.

We have a feral druid who is willing to change specs if needed but likes feral
2 warriors, one fury who might flex and the other mains all specs
Demon hutner who plays havoc but might flex veng

Hours that work for us are 6-9pm (central) any day but Sunday.

We have all raided together before and looking to have some fun going to DF!

my btag is: Sathus#1528
Discord: Why do that?#6801


Animosity does heroic raiding. We are currently scheduling our guild raids for Wednesday/Thursday from 8:30pm to midnight server time (CST). We generally run Mythic+ any night that we aren’t doing a guild raid

I’ll add you on Bnet, or you can reach out to me on Battle.net if you would like to chat about potentially joining us.

add me: