[A] Resto Shaman LF Raiding guild for heroic/mythic progression


Name in game: Abruul
Bnet: Hynicon#1171

I’m hoping to raid on either mon/tues or weekend raiding as well.
I’ve played this game on and off ever since WOTLK. I would like to join a heroic AOTC raiding guild that is looking to push into doing mythic content. I rarely make mistakes and like the challenge that comes with mythic raiding. I can go dps as well but i prefer healing. I’ve done a few mythic raids in the past but mainly just pugs and never in a guild. In my raider io you can look back in SL for CN. once i had gotten geared my guild i was raiding with decided to no longer continue and i ended up not playing consistently and didn’t play the rest of the expansion.

Animosity does heroic raiding. We are currently scheduling our guild raids for Wednesday/Thursday from 8:30pm to midnight server time (CST). We generally run Mythic+ any night that we aren’t doing a guild raid

I’ll add you on Bnet, or you can reach out to me on Battle.net if you would like to chat about potentially joining us.

add me: