438 ilvl Resto Shaman LF guild
I have AOTC going back to HFC and looking to progress into mythic moving forward.
Prefer 2 nights/week in the range of 7-10 cst.
Would also like a guild active on non-raid nights.
438 ilvl Resto Shaman LF guild
I have AOTC going back to HFC and looking to progress into mythic moving forward.
Prefer 2 nights/week in the range of 7-10 cst.
Would also like a guild active on non-raid nights.
fridays work? if so:
<Heroes of Fight Club> est. 2009
Server: Alliance US Sargeras PVP
Raid times (server, central time):
Fri 8:30pm - 11:30pm CST / 9:30p - 12:30a EST
Sun 6:00pm - 9:00pm CST / 7-10p EST
**Optional Sat 2:00 - 4:00p CST / 3:00-5:00p EST for Heroic clear
We are a progression oriented guild working with a casual schedule (only 6h of scheduled raiding a week). The goal is to achieve Cutting Edge for Mythic content each active tier.
Seeking high skilled and serious players for BfA. High priority: Healers, DPS
btag: doodle#1637
Hello my guild is Allanice on Sargeras and we are looking for a resto shaman. We raid tue/wed from 7:30 pm to 10:30 pm cst. We are currently 5/8 M. Would love to talk and tell you more about the guild. Add me on bnet at Ash#11430.