That’s not easy at all. You need to completely revamp questing, establish entirely new capitol cities and towns, and rebuild Horde investment from the ground up in these new territories.
That’s WoW 2 investment
That is pretty much needed either way, Horde and alliance questing is a mess in the old world. Short of a remake of the Old world not going to improve anything.
Maybe next expac will be WOW2 when we all return from shadowlands.
Not really, questing flow is fine currently.
Compared with Vanilla? Hard disagree. Kosak may have railroaded the whole experience, but that flow didn’t make things better. It shrunk the world, and therefore diminished its appeal.
That’s a problem with XP delivery, not questing flow. There are some quests in vanilla that had you running back and forth the whole continent or across continents when traveling took longer. Besides, Horde had to grind to get levels in some level brackets.
The lack of Horde content was an issue, but it is not an indictment of the model - and the back and forth quests made the world feel larger and grander, so did travel times.
The Whole War of Thorns was kind of pointless if you scrap one of the most lore bits of bfa ever and then scrap battle for lordaeron. What I want Blizzard to do is bring them back so that people can understand the stories than just going to kul’tiras and zandalar straight away to understand why forsaken and night elf fans are not happy with the war of thorns and lordaeron battles.
Now for the ideas of this thread for the Night Elves.
- I think Ashenvale would have been ten times more better in terms of a Warfront or a Zone remake that is under Night Elf Control. For what I get in Darkshore Warfront it was just a boring line and didn’t really bring that whole Night Elf Feel. Yes you got the Archers, Huntresses, Druids, and etc. But I would have loved to see the Wardens as a recruitment unit, and so much potential but what can you do really.
So that’s why I hope that Ashenvale will be 100% reclaim and destroy all of the horde bases like the one in the hill camp, shoreline and taken the silvermyst lake back as well with the updated graphics like from Val’sharah and etc. Also if you are going to make Darkshore better atleast make the Night Elf Towns reclaimed and port town better than just one or two buildings rebuilded. Also Dark Green Nature than a Broken Shore.
2: There’s ether Moonglade or Mount Hyjal I think ether one would be peaceful since you are completely away from the Horde and the Horde will have a disadvance in a invasion. Plus it’ll be a good land home for all the Night Elves and Worgen. There is Gilneas but noone wants to be in a Dark Grim Land of Gilneas.
3: Yea here’s hoping that not all of the Night Elves died from the Fires I mean wish almost half all of them made it out of the Tree than just boom they are all dead.
4: 100% . No Excuses on Blizzard for not giving the Night Elf Souls peace or forced sacrifices like what they did to poor Ursac. Just kill the Drust and sent them away from Ardenweald while the night elf souls we save live in peace. Except for Fandrel Staghelm.
5: Very difficult on this one. I mean Saurfang wasn’t much of a murder. He did stand against Sylvanas’s plans and even disliked it. Now as for Nathanos and Sylvanas. I say just have Tyrande slice him again and boom he’s dead for real and of course sylvanas as well in terms of ruining the redemption arc for her in which I hope not. Sylvanas. I mean.
I suppose it’s a matter of opinion. I like the newer way more. If people like the older way we luckily have classic servers.
Could I ask why you prefer the newer model? I’m interested in learning more about that perspective.
It’s more convenient. IIRC I first got to max level in Cata and had got close in WotLK.
I will say that I believe that the convenience has its costs, but alright.
It does have its costs, depending on what experience you’re wanting. I think that’s life, though. People can’t experience living now like in the 2000s. Smart phones are life’s Cata revamp, and kids use laptops in schools now. People’s way of thinking changes with what’s around them.
I’m not sure that applies, really. There’s a tradeoff between convenience and grandeur in this case, and Blizzard chose the former. That shrunk the world.
if Tyrande doesn’t make it it’s her own fault.
She knew being the Night Warrior was a possibly fatal. Even Maiev and Sira tried to warn her before completing the ritual that once she goes down this path she may be lost. It’s not just about Justice, justice can be had in many different ways, Tyrande has the same tragic flaw in Shadowlands that is paralleled in Uther’s story, about how vengence isn’t justice.
What Tyrande wants is venegence, and it may cost her her life.
That’s a fair narrative since it’s a foil for Sylvanas’s quest for justice.
Do I have to change my avatar to my night elf so you take me seriously?
I love how people just ignore the fact that according to the War Table missions there were NE guerilla fighters in that area the entire time. Or the fact that the literal only concrete way to combat NEs is to deny them their friendly terrain advantage as much as physically possible. Which is why the initial WoT is so frustrating, since it ignores that rule. Truly, “You’re burning our sacred trees” sounds way less problematic when those same sacred trees are literally and figuratively being used as a weapon to kill their opponents. Its like an Orc getting upset about an enemy destroying their sacred Axes, when they are using other sacred axes to kill that enemy. Sacred weapons are no less weapons to those you’re using them against.
Beyond that, the only way any of the post-Teld Darkshore Horde actions make any sense tactically is if they were meant as an antagonistic force to serve as an escalation tactic. To compel the NEs into opening up another front, and thus soul meatgrinder, in that region. We know Sylvie was trying for as large a death toll on both sides as possible; the ONLY races in Darkshore were those that would naturally piss off the NEs the most; the Forsaken’s Blighting and raising certain areas seemed to serve no purpose beyond ticking them off. Which means, that those Horde in Darkshore (save for Nate and his Primes) probably were sent there to die and take as many enemies with them as possible once they reacted to clear provocations.
She is freeing her people from the maw and wants to bring the one (!) to justice that brought the misery upon them. The endless torture and obliteration of countless innocent souls including children.
What about this is vengeance? Even if Tyrande dies, it would be a self sacrifice so she could save atleast some of her people. She died for her people. Sylvanas let her people die so she can have things her way.
I don’t think you know what justice means. Despite believing that she fights for justice, it’s actually the opposite, and that becomes more clear when you consider that she denied thousands upon thousands of innocents their rightful afterlife and caused their eternal damnation and obliteration in the maw. There is no justice, not from Sylvanas.
yeah but if system just uses them as anima anyway after they die than what’s the point? Sylvanas wants to break that system, and those souls of Teldrassil may have given her the power to upend a broken system. I know “the ends justifies the means” is a terrible excuse but it’s a valid excuse.
If Sylvanas succeeds in breaking the Shadowlands and creating something more “just” I’m going to give her a chance. Tyrande’s “justice” isn’t really justice anymore, that was the whole point of her weak “For Teldrassil,” after she killed Nathanos, her victory is hollow, and you know what… that’s exactly the place Sylvanas was in Edge of Night when she realized Arthas’s defeat was hollow and why she’s here in the Shadowlands too.
You have to trust the story telling process.
Putting the Night Elves and the Forsaken on the same level was for a reason.
The differerence is massive. The Night elves would willingly shed their anima, while not being harmed in the process. That’s how it goes in ardenweald for example.
In the maw, they are simply destroyed under awful circumstance, and the anima extracted that way.
Also, you should take your hope that Sylvanas has a valid goal and bury it. It’s not happening. I might see a redemption arc happening, as much as it repulses and enrages me. But never in a thousand years will she be justified.
No one has done this. I have no idea what you are on about.
I could write hundreds of pages of meta on this topic and it probably still wouldn’t convince you. and I don’t want to waste my time. She’s not damned to the Maw, she’s not deserving of it either. there are literal “planet killers” in Revendreth. To say that Sylvanas deserves her fate after everything she’s done is ignorant. She was a hero before Arthas turned her into a monster against her will and that lack of free will surprisingly didn’t destroy her. Now she’s fighting the very systems that took away her free will in the first place… don’t tell me that’s not Justice.
That’s way more interesting than Tyrande’s whole existance.