A reminder to Nelf Fans

The primary intention for Gilneas was not to be a starting zone but an Alterac Valley scale battlefield where Alliance and Horde would be battling it out street by street.

Unfortunately they couldn’t get it to work out to a point where they could even test it on a PTR, and the project, along with Gilneas itself, was abandoned.

Revisionism. Draenei fans, prior to WoD and Legion, were constantly complaining they were never seen in the story whatsoever. I remember because I used to be one of them. If you’re talking about the Draenei genocide, that’s not something that Draenei fans had to play through so it’s not a big deal.

Indeed, Blizzard never should have burned down Teldrassil. The reason why Night elf fans complain so much is that they’re just used as a foil whenever a faction conflict needs to come up. Back in Cata and now again in BFA. Whenever there needs to be a conflict, just get the Horde to bully Night elves. It’s cringe at this point.

That being said there are a few posters in particular that go overboard. And honestly I think anyone who still like Night elves today is a masochist.


I have absolutely no idea whom you’re referring to.

And being concerned that someone you consider a friend has gone off the rails isn’t the same thing as calling them “Evil”. Anduin may be a lot of things, but that’s not part of the way he rolls.


The statements sole purpose is to set Anduin up as the always correct pious peace man and Tyrande as the violent idiot that needs to be shown the way by her human better. It will either end in her being villain batted or another episode of “A Little Patience” probably reflavored to “A Little Compassion” or some other garbage where Anduin shows Tyrande that she shouldn’t be so thirsty for the blood of those that nearly wiped her people off the face of Azeroth and should hold hands with the Orcs and Forsaken instead.

You don’t need to keep switching to your Hunter alt just to reply to my posts, Katiera.


Sure, but as soon as the Horde decides they want to take Ashenvale they’ll just steamroll you guys again. I mean, what’s left of the Night elves that isn’t embers and ash?

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Don’t worry that’s one retcon away from being a non issue. Once Blizzard realise how buggered up everything is when you kill off the entire civilian population of a race is they’ll change it somehow.


Yeah, I am sure they will have an entire NE civilian population somewhere, to take the salt out of the wounds.

Although doesn’t elegy pretty much mention that the streets of Stormwind all the way to the gates were crowded with NE civilians?

I suppose it depends on what you take as canon. I mean in the book doesn’t Tyrande herself say “too few” of them survived?

Elegy / A Good War specifies that the Kaldorei that were evacuated flood the streets of Stormwind and flow out the entrance half way to Goldshire.

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From the docks to Goldshire, but considering Teldrassil, Darkshore, and Ashenvale formed an entire nation? That’s a very tiny fraction.


Whoever Katiera is… she’s not one of my alts. But if your conspiracy theory keeps you warm at night, all power to you.

You may not have noticed, but I’ve been quite open on the fact that Arabarena, Dalarond, and Arlessa ARE alt characters of mine. I’m a maxed out altaholic and sometimes I’ll switch to w hat I deem as an appropriate character to post. And sometimes I’m too lazy to bother.

One needs to remember that the in-game representation of cities, continents, and distances falls quite short of their lore representation. One can walk from one end of Kalimdor to the other north to south in less than an hour. The lore representation would take weeks.

Darkshore and Ashenvale weren’t burned. Though many civilians in Ashenvale and such took up arms and might have perished in the fighting, even more Horde soldiers did. There’s no statement that all the Night Elves in Ashenvale and Darkshore died.


Enough elves perished in Ashenvale to form a literal river of whisps streaming up to Darkshore in response to Malfurion’s call. Ashenvale had a far larger night elf population than Darkshore. And Saurfang had them all struck simultaneously.

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Imagine what that river would have looked like if it had been lights of the Horde’s dead instead.

Sylvannas acheives her goal of making Stormwind a city of the undead and has Anduin crucified at the gates, but does not allow him to die. His continuous screams of agony resonate through out Heroe’s Way.

The survivors of the Alliance then retake Lordaeron, leaving him… forsaken.

The Alliance is not going to be in a position to demand mass extermination of Horde soldiers. They’re not going to have a choice when it comes to an armistice. Which is not the same as accepting a peace. Ask the Koreas.

I thought you were trying to make something worse than the Burning of Teldrassil? This is a net improvement.


As long as they go for that betrayer Anduin and not the civilians this time, it’s not even close to Teldrassil.

I can’t imagine a single thing a faction could do that’s worse than Teldrassil to be honest.

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So you’re pinning it all on Anduin? Not Tyrande, who was the one who originally made the decision that left the homeland defenseless?