We are looking to fill our ranks for mythic raiding. We are a heroic raiding guild , we have finished all the raids on heroic difficulty in the last two expansions, and we are looking to push mythic raiding.
Raid Schedule: Tuesday, and Wednesday
6-8:30 pm, Mountain standard time (5-7:30 pm. server)
All players feel free to inquire, we are always looking for skilled players. We are mainly looking range dps.
We use discord during our raids, and it is mandatory that all raiders at least listen in during a raid.
Should you have any questions or are interested in joining you can just add Atlas (GM) or myself (please do not message on the post as its not checked on daily basis):
Matushy#1376 or Linguz#1203
9/9 Normal now! GO TEAM! still need people!
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Just added you on bnet and interested in joining. Just came back to the game after being gone for a couple of months due to a loss in the family. Was 8/8H Uldir when I left. I’ve been raiding since Vanilla, I don’t stand in bad things, and I give free hugs…
We are now 5/9, looking dedicated dps solely now. Could use a DK, Rogue, and a ret paladin
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Still looking for more people wanting to dedicate to a raiding guild with ambitions of mythic.
Bump… is bumping allow?
we are currently 1/2H on the crucible of storms
we are attempting mythic, we are currently 1/9M
I don’t raid much, but I do a lot of fishing so I hope to be a valuable part of the guild.
We are now 2/9 Mythic! Danedarad you can add me on battle tag to get some information Atlas201#1166
We are currently looking for a dedicated tank for mythic and below. If interested, let us know!