[A] <REGIMENT> Casual Friendly PvP Guild

Are you sick of the elitist/ toxic communities that plague the PvP communities?
Have you been denied RBGs because you can’t get your rating up?
Are you tired of these massive PvP guilds that don’t give you the chance to actually make friends?

Well join today! We are a friendly PvP guild who’s goal is to include all members in our PvP events! This is a brand new guild I built to offer everyone a fun experience!

We plan on running RBGs, WPvP, and arenas! However I still need to build a great team to game with. I am in need of a good group of officers! I need-
-RBG Leader
-WPvP Leader
-Guild Bank Officer
-Recruitment Officer

If you are interested in joining just send me a message! All are welcoome!
Battletag- Vladas#1952