A red timer in the middle of my screen

Hi. Sorry to trouble. I have a sixty minute timer counting down in the middle of my ui that I don’t knowwhat its counting down to or why it is there. It looks like a breath bar but it is red instead of blue. What is happening?


Idk… What’d you do :eyes::sweat_smile:

You can try /reload. Iv had some funky countdown timers that persisted after leaving a raid.

If you have dbm or any other raid addons maybe play with the timers there.

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Are you in a raid group or instance? It sounds like a DBM timer. If you’re not in any group or instance, trying relogging.


I do not use any addons. I did kill a world dragon in a raid and someone did a countdown thing that I’ve never seen before… and afterwards this counter was on. reloading doesn’t seem to do it. 3min left… eeeep. i’ll let you know what happens.

Relog. If that doesn’t work, try dying, and if that doesn’t work, try queuing and entering a battleground.

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whelp… a huge bronze 30 second countdown popped up and counted down to zero and then it all went away. No idea why that happened. It felt like it was something from a timed run of an instance or something. very strange. thanks for feedback.

Sounds like someone initiated a sixty minute countdown timer in the raid?


That’s what makes me think they may still be in the raid group for the World Boss.

OP, if you right click on your portrait frame in game, and in the dropdown menu you have the option to “Leave Instance Group”, click that.

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You can also use this script in game to leave a group:

/script C_PartyInfo.LeaveParty()

Just in case someone has issues with leaving via the menu option.

I use that script in a macro to leave all my groups.

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This sounds like a countdown timer, one was added in SL, according to this does not need any addon.


Assuming you mean something like this

You can clear this via /countdown 0


They confirmed their issue resolved 1 hour after making this post when the countdown timer ended. I actually did a bit of testing and this countdown timer isn’t cancelled by logging out (did not test exiting game entirely), reloading ui, or leaving party. Only way to cancel it is via /countdown 0
Or some other number to create a different countdown, though if the intent is to cancel it may as well just do 0.

This is exactly what happened.