A recent lawsuit accuses the WoW team of being part of a "frat boy culture" - does that impact the story?

You said in a previous comment

Then later said

45% is not a majority. And you still haven’t given your sources. What’s the matter? Afraid I’ll debunk your claim?

Not doing your homework for you….and no one said anything about a majority

Majority is a synonym of most. And you said most here;

Not presenting your sources is making you look like a coward.

Again, not doing your homework for you. I will repeat this until you understand it and you can think I’m a coward. I’m done arguing with you. Someone can claim the sky is blue and you’d still call them a liar. You’re a joke

That’s not even a stretch. It’s not even close. Sadly enough you are showing a strange selection with psalm 22, or rather you don’t know. In different languages this part is different.

Do not be far from me,
for trouble is near
and there is no one to help.

Translation from the same part, German in to English:

Since the first breath

I am under your protection;

from birth you are my god.


Genesis 2:7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

What good life? The life of the mother is more important. You lack any empathy. You don’t care if a women is a victim. You don’t care some of them can’t afterwards even function in society because of the trauma they went trough.
You don’t care if a women can literally die from their baby.
You don’t care mothers die regularly in the U.S. at child birth (and the babies often too).

You know those things happen?

Sorry there is no room to argue after such a extremist take.


In other news, the Supreme Court has agreed to hear arguements on the Texas abortion ban in early November, though they said they’re keeping the law in place for the time being. They’re going to decide if the federal government has the right to sue over the law.

It’s sort of good news I guess and maybe the law will get overturned eventually.


Traditional orphanages are pretty much extinct. Children can be placed up for adoption when they are born, many are lucky and do get adopted, but some don’t. The children who do not get adopted enter the foster care system.


The foster care system does fail a lot of kids though. Which was my entire point I was trying to prove to thadeus

He does that so often, he makes anyone he’s arguing with actually put in the legwork to get him proof and if you do, like I have done in the past, he hand waves the proof away as unimportant or just outright dismisses it. He’s not worth the time to type out a response.


Demanding proof on the internet as like demanding a cup of water when your standing in a river


The idea a state can criminalize a constitutionally protected right by outsourcing it’s enforcement to the civilian sector is insane.

I’d rather the SC just go ahead and overturn Roe v Wade than allow this nutty pretzel logic law to stand.


It is insane and I just hope cooler heads prevail and they let the federal government sue to have it overturned.

The problem is that we more cooler heads.

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It’s a law that never should’ve been passed, that’s what bothers me the most. Like did anyone realize how dangerous this was before they passed it? Anyone who’s semi intelligent on the subject knows that when you restrict access to safe abortions, women will find dangerous and potentially fatal ways to do it themselves.

Sickens me that this is what our country and the world has come to. It’s gotten more repressive instead of less


Just going to point out:

  • 1st century Christians and Jews were Hellenic; they all spoke Greek primarily, including liturgically
  • This is why it is Greek philosophical concepts that shape Christian and Jewish theology in large part, lot of Platonic thought in both Christology and Jewish traditions like Kabbalah
  • Easter is not Easter in any other language that isn’t Anglo-Germanic sphere. Most of us have a derivation of Hebrew Pesach via the Greek Pascha (via Latin Pascal); already stated this but bears repeating evidently
  • Skipping over Jews in Christian history is very weird
  • Babylonian stuff was not in profoudn, regular contact with 1st century Judaism and Christianity, and there are theories Judaism was born out of Zoroastrianism because of where Abraham was from in the first place, but its still a theory and Jews don’t exactly appreciate it. Most we got is “Three Magi” in the Bible.
  • Christians definitely did not grow out of Zoroastrianism because timeline and spread doesn’t allow for it (Mediterranean spread, with main centers being Jerusalem, Alexandria, Antioch, Rome, and Constantinople, ergo the Pentarchy established after), and additionally erasing Jews is weird
  • It was the Sol Invictus cult that was state-supported cult in Imperial Rome at the time, alongside the usual Religio Romanum (Polytheism, Cult of State, Emperor Worship, etc), the Cult of Mithras was a minority cult simply due to archaeological comparison and was “popular” (in the “masses” sense) and survived after the Church became the Imperial Religion
  • It makes more sense for the Cult of Mithras to have been born out of a syncretism between early Christianity and popular Hellenic/Roman Paganism; the Jews themselves retained the Zoroastrian Zodiac, and by then the Hellenic world generally otherwise also adopted the Zodiac
  • Pascua (as it is in Spanish, my tongue) is always the same date as Jewish Pesach/Passover
  • The December 25th date was adopting the Sol Invictus date and to balance out the liturgical calendar, but early Christians BEFORE the adoption as an Imperial Religion were already using the December 25th date for Christ, BEFORE the Roman Empire revived the Sol Invictus cult in the 3rd century as we have Patristics naming the date; it is certainly possible that the Palestinian Hellenized Pagans that became early Christians after the Council of Jerusalem “remembered” the original form of the Sol Invictus cult and thus it became a thing.
  • Christians in the West do care about “pagan origins”, but only when it’s Not Europe. Christmas evergreen trees and “Easter” rabbits? That’s fine to them. But as we saw during the “Catholic Pachamama Scandal” and recently when US Black Catholics were given a spotlight and they were accused of voodoo, there is still deep racism and colonial mentalities from the Western Church, even though we outnumber the Anglo-Germanic Catholics many times over.

Anywho back on topic:

I made a thread on my WoW Twitter recently breaking down why Tauren characterization sucks deeply and relies so much on racist tropes, and I realized that the white-washing of Camp Taurajo wasn’t in the questline itself, but in Christie Golden’s book Jaina: Tides of Vengeance.

Thought it was very curious.


My boy Baal coming to spread that beautiful knowledge of his :wolf: :heart:


Well that is BS since you did a strawman earlier. And you clearly did not point it out. I pointed it out. Instead you ignored it.


I would just ignore him hun. He’s proven numerous times that he’s not here for debate, but to prove to everyone he’s the victim and we’re just ganging up for correcting his obvious ignorant rants/statements.

It’s not worth the time or effort. :wolf:


Perhaps it is just me, but sometimes, it feels like Blizzard does not see Characters - instead, they see… something else.

Baine is not a Character… He is a vehicle for Jaina and Anduin to dictate what can be tolerable in the Horde they see fit to exist.

Lorthemar even says Baine is the best of the Horde. If any Horde Players had any mistrust towards Anduin and Jaina… surely the Eternal Regent Lord would set us straight.

It is unfortunate that the Jailer tossing Baine aside made the Jailer relatable.


They have realize that is what they’re doing.


Nobody lacks that much self awareness even while being told such day in and day out for many years, right?