A recent lawsuit accuses the WoW team of being part of a "frat boy culture" - does that impact the story?

It’s the ONLY option. This shouldn’t even be a debate. The fact he thinks he can make that choice for a woman, says a lot about people who think exactly like him


So… are you now supporting the Republican anti abortion con artist… that “coincidentally” also has a orphanage (perhaps the wrong word?)?
Well. There comes also the religious part in to it again. If you are attacking other Christians for their faith. According to the Bible no life does not start with conception. Not even before birth.
Many pro choicer seem to be more nuanced on that.

So… you simply say adoption is a good option. Forcing victims to carry a child, or even murdering a mother if there are complications. You know that’s a real thing, right?
This idea is no solution. Also I’m rather sure many orphans won’t get adopted and many are threaded like prisoners in the U.S.

Most orphans end up on the streets, addicted to alcohol and drugs, but the pro lifers want us to conviently ignore that hard reality.

It’s why they’re a joke. They’re not pro-life, they’re pro-control over a woman’s body


What Republican are you talking about?

What Bible verses are you basing your claims on? It’s surely not Psalm 139:13; “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.”

So… you’re saying a guarantee of killing the baby is better than a chance at a good life for that person, right?

I’ve been thinking about abortion in the case of the life of the mother… that may be worth considering, but I’ve changed my mind about abortion babies conceived by force or through incest - that’s killing the baby for the crime of father (or parents in the case of incest).

I think we should agree to disagree. We’re on opposite sides of life beginning at conception and aren’t going to change my minds. You have no proof and rejected mine.

Where did you get that information about orphans mostly ending up on the streets or falling into substance abuse?

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Again, this all information readily available. You want to remain ignorant on it, is completely up to you.

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If it’s so readily available, it should be easy to point me to a source. So, let’s have the source.
Which book, video, census or website?

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I’m not doing your homework for you. I’m done wasting my time on someone who’s just going to dismiss it anyway

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If you can’t give me source when, by your own words, it’s easy to find, it makes you look like a liar. I’ve been giving my sources despite all your rejections.

Basic information. Educate yourself

The words of someone who doesn’t know and is trying to sound smarter than they actually are.

Speak for yourself

So your answer is “No, you.” lol. You didn’t even tell me which part of the world we’re talking about. Every country of the world has orphans, but not all treat them the same or have the same systems.

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Look it up, educate yourself as I mentioned several times. Nobody said No, u, stop acting like a child

You meant “No, you” when I called out your ignorance

and you replied

What do you think your calling out?

Your ignorance about what happens to orphans, including those who age out of the system.

45% of them end up on the streets…that;s not ignorance dude. So what, again, what do you THINK you’re calling out?

Where did you get that percentage from?

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Basic information again