A recent lawsuit accuses the WoW team of being part of a "frat boy culture" - does that impact the story?

I point out strawmen when I see them. If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck…

It’s the usual I’m wrong and don’t understand therefor it’s a strawman It’s really annoying


View parts of history at best and many things that never happened.

Sure there is. Mostly if some disobeyed some commands, god etc. Fit’s in to the narrative. Well what would you call murdering the native population for their land?

As example: If you are reading Tacitus don’t expect to get a real picture of ancient Germans.

I think you missed the part where those scrolls are….locked up

Keep denying those facts, they’ll still be there when you’re done.

I’m not the one denying facts sweetheart. Gentle Pats

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I think you missed the part where they’re locked up in containers where the text can still be seen.

Not sure what he’s even referring to.

Me either. I’ve been posting mainly in this thread since I came back

You have no idea what a strawman actually is!! that’s what makes all of your replies super annoying.

Could anyone please tell me how this religious argument started?

If you and your ilk stopped attacking intentionally misrepresenting propositions because they’re easier to defeat than my real argument, I wouldn’t do it.

It started when someone made a pro-choice statement. I argued against, then several other pro-choice people started ganging up on me, then one of them brought religion into it. I made counterarguments and it snowballed from there.

Ilk right?

I mean what’s your “real” argument?

It wasn’t wanting to stop abortion to control women or reduce them to baby factories as Renautus claimed, for one.

Ok, sure. That’s a common view people get from the anti stance though.
Especially if options for victims, health and other things are excluded.

I also don’t see any reason why anyone should tell a women no in such a case.

You literally started attacking fellow Christians first, then you started attacking paganism and atheism.

You are the attacker, I know your persecution complex makes you think you are constantly under attack, but you are not.

Furthermore, you questioned other Christian’s devotion to the gospel and the faith because they didn’t have your back on abortion, and they called you out on it. Pointing out that the Bible is full of contradictions isn’t attacking you personally.


Still a strawman, my real argument was life begins at conception, abortion is baby killing and abstinence and adoption are better options.

A pro-choice Christian sided with you against me, they struck first, I questioned them and that became another argument.

Trying to frame me as a misogynist and “level of terrorism” for being pro-life as you did is an attack on me.

I suggest we just drop it. He sees himself as the eternal persecuted victim if someone dares to call him out on something.

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that’s your opinion and that’s subjective if it’s a better option.

What’s important is that it’s the woman’s choice to decide what she does with her own body. That is the best and only option, her choice not yours.