A recent lawsuit accuses the WoW team of being part of a "frat boy culture" - does that impact the story?

The Romans reached England and started settlements in 390BC they fought the Celts between 390BC and 55BC. It’s well known that the Romans had interactions with the Celts, the Anglo-Saxons, the Germanic peoples and the Vikings long before the creation of Christianity in the middle of the Roman Empire. Christianity formed around the first century AD which was in the reign of Augustus.

It’s believed by modern day religious scholars that Christianity developed out of the Roman cult of Mirthras which was a popular religion among the Roman military, it’s based on Zoroastrianism. Some other scholars believe that Christianity was created out of the need of multiculturalism to blend Zoroastrianism, and Judaism, with pagan solar worship.

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There was time when Christmas and Saturnalia were both celebrated. Where did you get your idea that Jews reworked Saturnalia into Christmas?

P.S Why do you think the Egyptians were given the order to spare the female Hebrew babies? Troubling implications.

You’re beyond help. I’m done trying to educate you

Funny thing to say after I gave facts that refuted your arguments.

You just think it does because you been indoctrinated and don’t want to believe the truth. Oh and just a fun fact, Jesus’s real name was Yeshua, as the letter J didnt exist in the Hebrew language at that time

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Get better soon.


I know Jesus’ real name was Yeshua. The fact remains your arguments were built on a strawman of Scripture.

They’re built on facts. But you do you.

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The Bible is not a history book and isn’t based on facts. Keep at least the first part in mind.

Right about the Celts but wrong about the Vikings. Partial credit.

Citation needed about which scholars claim Christianity developed out of Mithraism. The majority actually say the opposite. The idea that Christianity came from the cult of Mithras is somewhere between phrenology and Flat Earth Theory in credibility.

I’ve heard all these anti-Christian arguments before. You and your ilk aren’t the first to make them and you won’t be the last.

History is one of the purposes of the Bible, but not the main one, and it’s not the Bible’s job to give every detail about every historical event. Keep at least the second part in mind.

A certain view of history. Not real history. Some events have a historic context. Most don’t.
Some are simply painting victims of the Isralelites, or enemies of them in a bad light etc.

I just proved your “facts” were wrong. But you do you.

We’re talking about a book that’s been edited, re-edited, translated, retranslated and had many books taken out. Lets just keep that mind.


You didnt provide any facts though……Not how this works


Parts of history. And there’s plenty of criticisms of the Israelites too in the Bible, and critical accounts of their enemies and “victims” doesn’t make those accounts wrong. When was the last time you actually touched a copy of the Bible, let alone read one?

We’re talking about a book where the original text exists for comparison. Just keep that in mind. You denying I gave facts doesn’t change that I did as anyone who looks up what I cited can see.

The ones that are kept locked up tight by the Israelites and Catholic Church? Those texts? Jee I wonder why they wont let us see them…What don’t they want us to see?

if you use this phrase incorrectly one more time…

The ones that the Israelites and the Vatican have that anyone can see for themselves (read with your eyes, not your hands), yes.