A recent lawsuit accuses the WoW team of being part of a "frat boy culture" - does that impact the story?

It’s irony? Anyway. I feel good, and I have to share such incredible joy.


I hope you heal soon!


:thinking: What dis?

I delete a lot of stuff. It was a joking comment about how some people here would make me lose my cool.

Don’t like debating IRL?

I find it helpful to slam head on desk and remind myself They aren’t real, they can’t harm you

Headache usually comes first and I end up even more aggravated :smiley_cat:

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For real, dude? Oof, get well soon.


I hope that DK is merely a Right Wing Troll just baiting us all - because if he is serious, he really needs some help. Or at least introspection.

In a thread he made about the Light, he was accusing other posters of being me, because only I am so vitriolic towards him… but sure enough, it was a totally different person he peeved off.

The way he is acting like a martyr here, he seems to have some persecution complex. Among other issues.

At least he may have learned I am not the only person on the Forums that takes issue with some of his posts.

The more I see him make delusional accusations and conspiracy theories… the more I wonder about him. It isn’t even his opinion on the subject I find troubling- it is his tendency to assign these wild conspiracy theories to posters who disagree.

As far as the Pharaoh :

I always thought it was a bit… unbecoming… of the Lord to harden a heart as a set up to show his majesty, and test the faith of his people.

And that is the point : it was God’s will. As you say :


He’s very serious. I’ve seen him go on a long rant about the JFK assassination being caused by Satanists. It was in a random General Discussion thread.


He’s not that bad. There was a guy who said he wouldn’t try to save a baby from being killed in the street because the killer might be a time traveler preventing a potential genocide.


Whaaaaaat? JfK was killed by the mafia.


As a reminder, when people say the biblical god is a loving god, have to realize this is a god who murdered all the Egyptian babies….because he was angry and tried to murder the whole world several times because his followers kept screwing up. Some loving and caring god huh?


With the help of the US government. It definitely wasn’t some satanic cover up


Historical Christians repurposing pagan traditions for Christmas and Easter doesn’t change the fact that the celebrations existed several generations before that contact. Have you met most Christians? There’s around 2 billion of us in the world according to the latest 2021 census.

Pagans celebrations intended it as a reminder of spring. As a Christian tradition it emerged around the 16th century in Germany, and those reasons were the triangular shape representing the trinity, as a symbol of Christ and new life and (my theory) a reference to the Tree of Life.

As a reminder;

  1. Firstborn Egyptians, not all Egyptian babies, get your facts right
  2. After the Egyptians had murdered male Hebrew babies by throwing them into a crocodile-infested river (why do you think Nile Crocodiles have that name?) and subjected them to subjugation lower than even Egyptian slaves.
  3. After the Egyptians failed to heed the other Signs and Wonders/12 Plagues of Egypt
  4. “Tries to murder the whole word because his followers kept screwing up” is just nonsense.

Christmas was originally a roman pagan holiday called Saturnalia and was celebrated from Dec 17th to the 25th. Usually involving sacrifices, getting drunk and other….rather crude stuff by todays standards.

But you know…facts, pain in the butt amiright?


The biggest problem with the whole Moses story? Egypt never had Jewish slaves and the Pyramids were considered to be holy places to them and they would never allow mere uneducated slaves to build them. In fact, some of the best and brightest of Egypt had built the pyramids.

But again….those pesky facts just keep getting in the way

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Choosing the end date of Saturnalia for Christmas was done for various reasons. The fact remains there were celebrations before that (such as Christ’s birth being celebrated on the 6th of January in the East).

That doesn’t mean Christmas was Saturnalia. As for the human sacrifices… oh, right, that’s not part of Christmas. Sacrificing people was exclusively done on Saturnalia to Saturn.

But you know…facts, pain in the butt amiright?

Christmas didnt exist until the Jews tried to rework Saturnalia ……Damn your dense

The biggest problem with this argument? Scripture states what work the Jewish slaves were put to, and it wasn’t building the pyramids.

  • “So they put slave masters over them to oppress them with forced labor, and they built Pithom and Rameses as store cities for Pharaoh.” Exodus 1:11
  • “They made their lives bitter with harsh labor in brick and mortar and with all kinds of work in the fields; in all their harsh labor the Egyptians worked them ruthlessly.” Exodus 1:14
  • "The king of Egypt said to the Hebrew midwives, whose names were Shiphrah and Puah, “When you are helping the Hebrew women during childbirth on the delivery stool, if you see that the baby is a boy, kill him; but if it is a girl, let her live.” Exodus 1:15-16 (thankfully the midwives disobeyed that order).

But again….those pesky facts just keep getting in the way