A recent lawsuit accuses the WoW team of being part of a "frat boy culture" - does that impact the story?

Citation needed.

If you give your sources too, sure.

Not believing in your god does not make one an atheist. Y’all need to stop with the pagan hatred. Like I get it was cool a thousand years go, but get over yourself and The Troubles was about one side wanting a unified Ireland and the other side wanting to remain loyal to the British.

Just…like stop with the persecution complex, your not helping yourself


Oh you didn’t read the whole Bible?

Exodus 7:3-4 “But I will harden Pharaoh’s heart, and though I multiply my miraculous signs and wonders in Egypt, he will not listen to you. Then I will lay my hand on Egypt and with mighty acts of judgment I will bring out…my people the Israelites.”

Exodus 9:12 “And God hardened Pharaoh’s heart, and he did not hear them.”

At least I’m consistent.
Don’t believe every preacher.


That was a misunderstanding. I wasn’t implying that you were one of those Reddit atheists, I know you believe in a god. I was more thinking Akayliss.

I’m glad you have a clear view of The Troubles.

It’s hard not to be wary when I have a bunch of non-Christians ganging up on me and dissing me and my views.

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Aki is a pagan like me, she used to be a atheist years ago though. I’m not trying to diss you, I’m trying to teach you where some of those beliefs came from and why it’s troubling that y’all act like you came up with the idea first is all.

You made a claim. So the burden is on you.


My argument already addresses that verse, and you deliberately ignored the verse I shared, Exodus 8:15 " But when Pharaoh saw that there was a respite, he hardened his heart and would not listen to them, as the Lord had said."

It’s funny how some atheists claim to be all about facts, then use mockery instead of arguments.

So did she, there’s a burden of proof on both of us.

Not at all. It’s clearly written multiple times it’s god’s doing and made clear pharao had no choice.

You are simply ignoring gods word in the Bible.
Yes it shows god in a bad light.

No. You did. She contradicted you. Your claim was silly.

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Where some of what beliefs came from? What you think I’m acting like Christians came up with it first about?

My comment when you first raised this argument stated that both God and the Pharaoh hardened the Pharaoh’s heart. My comment acknowledges what’s in the passage you shared… while you keep ignoring the verse I shared. Here’s another one; “But Pharaoh hardened his heart this time also, and did not let the people go.” Exodus 8:32 Again, both God and the Pharaoh were doing it.

She still made a claim in contradicting me, thus there’s also a burden of proof on her. As for lies of the pro-choice movement, one example I can share is a lie from during the founding of Planned Parenthood (and no, I’m not saying I believe they were illegally selling aborted babies/“fetal tissue”).

I know.
What pharao did is meaningless. Before your verse god said clearly. Pharaoh can’t and won’t listen because that’s what god want’s.
That’s it.
Pharaoh could not make a choice, it was gods will. There was no option for him.

No. That’s not how it works. The burden is first on you. You claim something that’s not a thing.

Like Christmas and Easter…y’all act like you came up with those holidays by yourself and most christians don’t even know the origins of the holidays that make both of them up.

Like, I bet you have no idea what the whole point of bringing a tree inside and decorating it during winter is.

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We should have this debate IRL. Let’s all meet at Londonderry.


That would be….interesting :wolf:

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Who spoke about broken limbs (specifically, the 3rd and 4th metatarsal bones)?
Right now I am having a lot of fun and bearably painful … Isn’t that funny?

Why are you in pain?

The fracture is painful after all. Right?

Fun, fun, just why?

What fracture? Are you being literal or metaphorical?

Literally. Third and fourth metatarsal bones.

I ask myself daily, “Is Shern okay?”

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