A recent lawsuit accuses the WoW team of being part of a "frat boy culture" - does that impact the story?

Does this mean (dark places) that they (abortion) need to be legalized?

Or advertise orphanages.

Inform about orphanages. Yes, this wording sounds less strange.

Orphanges are pretty much dead now. They use systems like foster care and adoption.

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This is normal, right? That orphanages “distribute” children.

He never will. He is too proud of himself. Like I said, he acknowledges he does these things only to keep doing them. Then throws a tantrum when it is flipped back onto him.

I outed myself as a Christian just to see what his reactions would be and it was exactly what I expected.


I don’t dislike Christians, I just really dislike self righteous people like Thaddeus. You know the type, the ones who think their religion makes them superior to others.

Don’t want you to get the wrong impression about the previous discussion :wolf:


No I 100% understand I actually have the same view. It is mainly why I am pro-choice. It is funny how Christians like Thadeus say, “we have free will” while supporting a side that wants to limit the will of others because of what they consider to be “evil”. Even though there are things that we view as evil now but didn’t in the past (at least for some of the people who lived in those times).

Religion should stay out of the politics.


Normally I only slap people once. But christians turn the other cheek and force me to slap them twice. They are turning me into a bad person. For the love of Elimopfurr the Great and Contradictory Platypus God, Please nerf christians.

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You know little about the Bible. The Bible also states the Pharaoh hardened his own heart, and hardening someone’s heart doesn’t equal making the choice for them. Also, Moses himself wasn’t Pharaoh’s captive or subject at the time, he came there to speak at God’s behest on behalf of his people. If the Bible stated the name of the Pharaohs, I think you’d still say it was made up.

The hardness of Pharaoh’s heart was evident from the first, and God used that defiance to demonstrate the Lord’s power over him and over all the gods of Egypt. Because of the continuation of miraculous signs, many Egyptians witnessed the reality of Israel’s God. It could be that, as a result of Pharaoh’s hard-heartedness, God hardened Pharaoh’s heart even further, allowing for the last few plagues and bringing God’s full glory into view (Exodus 9:12; 10:20, 27). Pharaoh and Egypt had brought these judgments on themselves with 400 years of slavery and mass murder.

That Pharaoh was no innocent or godly man. He was a brutal dictator overseeing the terrible abuse and oppression of the Israelites, who likely numbered over 1.5 million people at that time. The Egyptian pharaohs had enslaved the Israelites for 400 years. A previous pharaoh—possibly even the pharaoh in question—ordered that male Israelite babies be killed at birth (Exodus 1:16). The pharaoh God hardened was an evil man, and the nation he ruled agreed with, or at least did not oppose, his evil actions.

I said misinformation has come from both sides.

Shame that the mods threw Baalsamael under the bus for you. Makes me wonder if you have a connections with the mods, and if so, what kind.

If true, that still doesn’t mean you weren’t doing it.

So drinking Wassail and stones of Yule are in Christmas too? I think not. People adding traditions to Christmas centuries later doesn’t rewrite history to make Christmas a pagan holiday. Same with Easter.

And do you know why they were usually added at first? Christians at the time making misguided compromises for peace between them and Pagans.

Dinosaurs existed (and stories of dragons had to come from somewhere), and I suppose next you are going to tell me the world is flat, phrenology works and Jesus was a mythical person.

Your inability/refusal to see your flaws is something you need to work out.

The projection is strong with you.

Is everything a conspiracy with you? like seriously. Grow up.

Nice strawman.

For someone who always likes to say that “two wrongs don’t make a right”, you are the one who tends to do most amount of “wrong” things here.


Enough, that’s for sure.

No, god did that, not the pharao.

Of course it does. You are taking away their ability to make a choice.

You are also ignoring other parts of the Bible, because they don’t fit for you.

It would make it even simpler. We could look at the life of said pharao. We still know it did not happen.
That’s really no defense.[quote=“Thadeus-caelestrasz, post:1774, topic:1042859”]
I said misinformation has come from both sides.

That’s wrong. Only from the right / anti side.

Misinformation only comes from one side. One side is supported by science, scienists and doctors. That’s the side I’m on. It’s the pro-choice side.


They stole and rewrote my peoples traditions to make it easier to convert them to Christianity. For someone who claims to be a Christian you have a remarkable lack of knowledge on your own faith and the history surrounding it.

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What this thread needs now is a raging Reddit Atheist, I hope one comes along soon

Thats fine, they can embarrass themselves too


I bet none of your Christian holidays involve burning a straw effigy and dancing around the fire in freaky animal costumes. We are Christian, I swear.

P.S. No offense, Thad. I just think it’s funny how some christian holidays are so obscenely pagan, yet people don’t even care.

No you don’t, as you didn’t read the cited verses that state he did it such as Exodus 8:15 " But when Pharaoh saw that there was a respite, he hardened his heart and would not listen to them, as the Lord had said."

You’re both wrong and projecting here.

To both I say “You’re not a skeptic, Fred. You’re in denial.”

Wrong. Misinformation has come from both sides, and there are pro-life scientists and doctors.

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Citation needed.

Can you provide sources for your claims?

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Given that those stories were spread by oral/tradition word of mouth prior to the arrival of Christians who put them into writing, how do you it was unchanged before the arrival of Christians?

Irish tales were recorded by 11th-century Christian monks, which helped make Irish mythology the most well-preserved branch of Celtic mythology. In some parts of Ireland, there is still a belief in the Creideamh Sí, or fairy faith, that coexists with Catholicism.

I suppose next you’ll be blaming The Troubles on Christianity too?

I thought there already were a couple here.