A recent lawsuit accuses the WoW team of being part of a "frat boy culture" - does that impact the story?

In what context?

Abortions usually only happen in the first 12 weeks, in the first trimester. Because laws aready exist to regulate when abortions can happen. Abortions after 12 weeks make up less than 1% of abortions and they are only done if the pregnancy is non-viable or the pregnancy threatens the life of the mother.

“Late stage abortions,” “pre-birth” or “after birth abortions” don’t exist, there are no abortions done after 24 weeks.

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In the sense of wanting to control what a woman can or cannot do with her own body.

And don’t most women find out their pregnant at the six week mark? It’s what makes the law in Texas especially cruel to me.


Well, this is fundamentally not true. You can literally look up medical papers and academic training videos for late stage abortions.

In the context of pregnancy, I think the argument can be made that the fetus is not her body, but the body of another human. Again, depending on how one defines life.

Yes. The 6 week mark is not tracking how old the baby is it’s tracking menstral cycle. 2 weeks after a missing period is when the first signs of pregnancy occur. Most pregnancy tests cannot detect pregnancy until 6-8 weeks. First response can apparently detect as early as 4 weeks.

Pregnancy counts the two weeks that lead up to ovulation. Not from conception. Conception happens sometime in those first 4 weeks.


Is infanticide permissible if an inconspicuous pregnancy has occurred?

What is an inconspicuous pregnancy? Infanticide is never permissible. Although, many ancient societies practiced it.

Stories about when a woman finds out about pregnancy during childbirth.

“Delayed abortion due to not knowing about pregnancy”? Is this formulation more acceptable?

It’s against the law Shern. And besides, after a few months…it’s kind of hard not to notice. It’s rare that a woman maintains a small stomach

Actually, there are 7 U.S. states where abortion is legal no matter when. I think that’s what he meant. I hope.

I hope…because it’s horrible to think about otherwise. I have two little nieces, one I’m a godfather to, so this whole subject is you know, touchy for me.

I can’t imagine some old dude telling my nieces what they can or can’t do with their bodies.

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No, I meant the murder of newborns if the woman did not know about the pregnancy.
Although… an orphanage would be more likely to be used.

You’re going to notice after a while Shern. Women know their bodies pretty damn well and when your stomach starts bulging, you get morning sickness, miss your periods and the sudden urge to eat for two people….you’d have to have no pulse not to notice these signs


OK. So I need to search the Internet for medical articles, somehow check them … Too much work.

Just talk to the women your close to shern, if you are. Best way to learn

Even in rare and usually hushed up cases? For example, if every ten thousandth childbirth goes like this?

I….don’t know even know what you’re asking with that question

Is it wise to use personal experience and the experience of your environment? If the event occurs less frequently than the number of your acquaintances, acquaintances of your acquaintances (repeat 3-4 times; probably enough for a sufficiently large sample).

It does happen, it’s super rare. No one is denying that. Those kind of abortions are usually done in some really shady places though