A recent lawsuit accuses the WoW team of being part of a "frat boy culture" - does that impact the story?

Fine, I agree.

Unfortunately, worst case scenario for Blizzard would be to declare bankruptcy, have their assets liquidated to pay off debts and legal fees, the rest being distributed among it’s shareholders. With Activision inheriting the creative rights to Blizzard franchises.

But I wonder what would happen if someone else picked it up. I kind of like Microsoft tbh. They already have Bethesda, and an Elder Scrolls style RPG set in a region of Azeroth would be dope.

Edit: Or CD Projekt Red… Oh man. Witcher WoW

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They said they’d still make announcements for their games. It is probably just not a good idea to hold a large event with the current climate.


I feel like the whole “Welcome home” shtick would be awkward from here on out. They will have to come up with a new slogan.

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At this point I’m strongly betting on a 10.0 reboot of some sort with a reorientation of the relationship between gameplay and story and extremely philosophy changes + lead dev replacements

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I don’t think we’ll get the next expansion until 2023.

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On the bright side, they’re adding a bunch of new Flight Path toys next patch, and the one for BfA references, presumably, Saphronetta and Grizzek.


‘“A goblin and gnome duo describe their many discoveries across the two islands.”’

They’re great. I want to see them again.

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That’s optimistic

I don’t think it is. Part of me is worried that they’ll announce the next expansion as the final one.

It depends on the investors at this point, but I think they had planned at least 4 more expansions.

I think Blizz needs to release -something-. I am not sure they can afford to sit on their hands and do nothing. I think they’ll at least announce the expansion. If they are smart, it will be an early announcement, and they actually put forth the effort to make it good.

If they are stupid, they set unrealistic timelines and release garbage because they were panicking.

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So I got an answer. They said it might have gotten removed because I referred to the Jailer as “the nipple man”.

Like what? I have called him that plenty of times and never got any action taken against those. If using a meme is now considered an offensive action then this forum has gone to the crazies. However they also said that while that remark is “slightly inappropriate” it is not enough to remove a post over.

They also said the post contained discussing forum actions, which is against the CoC (oh boy). Even though the post did not contain anything of that sort. Sounds like they screwed up and can’t admit it.


Add another casualty to the fallout.

Blizzcon 2022 has been totally canceled, even as an online only event.


At this point you’re just making defamatory personal attacks against me (such as wrongfully accusing me of not wanting child and family support - also, the person permitting and endorsing the killing of unborn babies accuses me of opposing child support? How rich! You know nothing about me outside of this forum).

Why should I explain why you’re wrong about me if you just assume I’m lying and keep hurling snarl words and buzzwords at me?

Because my opinions aren’t anti-women and if you’ve checked my comments you’ll see I do know a few things about pregnancy. What you said about me in relations to these two are libel and snarl words.

That website clearly stated when abortions are never acceptable. By the way, there are pro-choice people advocating for late-term abortions and abortions on demand - extremist crazies aren’t limited to the pro-life side. I’m glad you don’t support late-term abortions either.

I am completely in support with you on developing synthetic wombs. The goal is to at the very least minimize the amount of baby deaths. I’m also all for helping care for mothers struggling financially to raise children and helping the children. I said I’m not in a financial position to adopt a child, but that doesn’t mean I can’t and haven’t contributed. If I told you the charity work I’ve done, would you believe me… or would you and others accuse me of lying or trying to brag? You don’t have to trust me, but that doesn’t mean you can jump to conclusions about me and saying those unverified accusations to others.

You talk up getting along with people you don’t agree with and reaching common ground, but you don’t apply to some people including myself, who you’re all snarl words and defamation towards.

Also, it doesn’t make sense to abort a baby due to poverty when putting a baby up for adoption or using foundling laws is cheaper than getting an abortion. As for domestic violence being a major reason, citation needed.

Research collected from 2008 through 2010 asked women about the reasons for getting an abortion. Some listed multiple reasons for their decision. The reasons, and the percentage of women who gave each one, are:

  • Not financially prepared: 40%
  • Bad timing, not ready, or unplanned: 36%
  • Partner-related reasons (including the relationship is bad or new, she doesn’t want to be a single mother, her partner is not supportive, does not want the baby, is abusive, or is the wrong guy): 31%
    Need to focus on her other children: 29%
  • Interferes with educational or vocational plans: 20%
  • Not emotionally or mentally prepared: 19%
  • Health-related reasons (includes concern for her own health, the health of the fetus, use of prescription or non-prescription drugs, alcohol, or tobacco): 12%
  • Want a better life for a baby than she could provide: 12%
  • Not independent or mature enough for a baby: 7%
  • Influences from family or friends: 5%
  • Doesn’t want a baby or to place the baby for adoption: 4%

Note the top two most common (bold for emphasis). Those are unacceptable according to the Presbyterian mission statement, and I agree completely, as those two reasons are about “convenience”.

After reading what they said I’m conflicted about abortion from forced conception or incest; and yet at most the Presbyterian statement says that abortion is possible, not encouraged and always a last resort.

Which is the truth for most “pro lifers”. Why should you be a rare exception? I bet you never once voted for a politican supporting child care.

You want to force women to be baby factories. You want to take away every womans freedom.
You are the one using nonsensical phrases.

Your games are so obvious.

You are anti woman.

There is disagreement and there is extremism. Your views are very extreme.

Of course not. Also charities are largly scams and not a solution.


Because you haven’t met the majority of pro-life people and prejudice and stereotypes aren’t facts.

So you respond to me calling out your use of buzzwords and snarl words… by using even more snarl words and buzzwords. Pathetic, even for you.

No, you’re spouting libel.

I could write a book about what you don’t know.

Your stereotyping of charities aside, I meant things I’ve done to help unfortunate people, not saying I’ve worked with or for charity organizations (most of what I’ve done wasn’t through charity).

This alone shows how bad your views really are. There is nothing to be conflicted about in such a case. There is nothing to argue about. It has to be legal. That’s it.

No, my statement is in matter of fact true. A good amount of them would even scream “socialist” at you for daring to suggest family support.

That’s your thing. Of course the one wanting to take away rights and force his ideas on to society has nothing else to say.

You can try. So far you’ve only shown you don’t know much.
The ones thinking they know so much are mostly the ones knowing the least.

They aren’t a solution either. Sure. If you say so.

See. It’s all about control and your form of non Biblical sharia.

Are you finally done now?

The question to ask here is have you met the majority of pro-life people to say that they are just nice people who are mistreated by the media etc etc?

Because if you haven’t, you can’t really claim that either.


It’s telling that you don’t even have arguments anymore. Just a pile of claims without evidence and name-calling.

By the way, you claimed you know someone who’s in charge of a local church and pretty left-wing. If true, I’d have to know more about where they stand before saying whether I agree with them or not. Given you eagerly and repeatedly attack the Bible, I doubt you’re a church-goer.

My answer wouldn’t change the fact that neither he, nor you, can make a majority claim either.