A recent lawsuit accuses the WoW team of being part of a "frat boy culture" - does that impact the story?

But at the same time you can’t claim with certainty that they are (which you have done in the past). So we are in a “are they or are they not” sort of deal. They are the cat in the box if you will.

I mean you are basically using the “not all X” defense that the right loves to tease the left for using. So again, rules for thee but not for me.


So none of us can make a claim about the majority of these groups, and at this point all our claims are equally valid. This sounds like the debate equivalent of a kamikaze attack; sacrificing your argument to try and bring mine down with it.

I’ve also heard the left use the “not all X” defense, but I don’t mind any side reminding people not to stereotype (so not rules for thee, but not for me). Jesus said to love even our enemies. I’ve failed to do that at times, and I’m trying to do better, how are you doing with that?

Even though we have both failed to love others - including those who disagree with us - here, I wasn’t the one stereotyping the majority of a group of people I disagree with and spouting vindictive generalizations about them - in this case, pro-choice people.

I’m not buying that you are turning the other cheek.

You’ve failed to listen or shown empathy to anyone supposedly ‘attacking you’. You are only now taking this victimized stance because you have no support. This is just another time when your victim complex is working overtime while you point the finger at others for not loving you like a fellow Christian would.

Love isn’t enabling. I don’t think Jesus meant it like that either.

Anyway, I’ve said all I wanted to say about abortion and I’m not going to feed your victim complex anymore.


I’m proposing a topic change:

What would everyone like to see from a reimagined Blizzcon? How do you think they are going to change it after many of the people who ran it are now fired?

I hope they still keep voice actor panels. I think they need to re-earn the trust of the playerbase. I would appreciate if they just skipped the "welcome home " platitudes and focused just on the games.

I never claimed I know her personally. She is also far from the only one. If you want to look at churches with members of the SP (leftist) you can look at different Swiss churches. The Protestant church (called evangelical church) and the Reformed (Reformist?) church of Switzerland, and or the SP. It’s a rather old party.
Peter Schmidt is an example of a leftist politician with ties to a church.

Even the Catholic church seems to still have a some members with left leanings.
However another example: 2018 Cecile Bühlmann Green, Ruth-Gaby Vermot SP and Monika Stocker Green all left the Catholic church (because they had disagreements with said church).

I never claimed to be a church goer. Where are you getting this from? I had my christian education but my affiliation with that is long gone and I never claimed otherwise.

Are you ok?

All my arguments stand. Or do I have to repeat every single one in every post again? You will circle around or simply ignore it anyway.

Your take is extremist, against freedom, and against women.
That’s short for, we went enough around in a circle.

You wanted to argue with your faith and failed. You wanted to silence other Christians.

Tell me, did you at least once vote for a politican that is in support for child and family support? You were rather quite on that.

Actually we can.
Most of them are conservative. Most of them are against most social programs.

I don’t need to write anything else. The fact that’s even a question for you is astonishing. You are making your argument look terrible on your own.


I’m sorry what… Aki’s allusion to a lewd sex act in a derogatory manner towards Baal was flagged then restored… but talking about the Jailers pectoral appengages was removed? Denona you are right.

This forum needs better moderation.

It makes me wonder are thesw forums skewing toxic because they are the loudest? Or is because this pkace is in major need of moderation reform.

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