A recent lawsuit accuses the WoW team of being part of a "frat boy culture" - does that impact the story?

I mean, I happened to see it before it was deleted. I am not sure how it has anything to do with me.

I am not sure if maybe you have me confused with someone else? Because you have already accused me of things that were totally false like… Multiple times in this thread. Like, stuff no one else is accusing me of lol.

I read Tammy’s argument with you, and they accused you of saying Garithos did “legitamately racist” things.

I didn’t say anything that Ren didn’t.

As an elf player, I doubt I would ever legitimately defend Garithos. Unless maybe I was talking about his view of the undead. Which wouldn’t be a defense of his racist views as much as just acknowledging that he would have been right to distrust the Forsaken, given that they betrayed him and ate him.

“Legitimately racist” also sounds like I might have been saying he was a legitimate example of someone who is racist, and not saying his racism was correct.

Well… You have though. You have accused me of several things that I didn’t say or do, and you refused to ever elaborate on it when I asked you to. It is more devious than what Ren is doing.

I like you and ren,but you guys do know you can ignore aki and move on right? Just seems childish to jump all over aki and keep fighting with them

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I… didn’t. I said that you made reference to a sex act when talking to Baal, which you know you did upthread. Ren saw itIt’s that comment that you bragged about being removed. The rest of what I did was believe what Ren said about you.

And when I said that it was all been true so far, I was referring to what Ren said about a certain other poster.

Let’s just leave each other alone, okay? We’re not going to get along. You can talk to everyone else.

I did, and I admitted I was toxic to her. This is about to end soon.

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I have probably had arguments with both you and Tammy, so I am not taking sides on your arguments… but I feel like you kinda brought her up out of no where.

I didn’t see her get too into this recent discussion here until you brought her up. I was kinda wondering why you mentioned someone who was largely not involved in the discussion.

I don’t think she came in for a “gotcha”. She didn’t really jump in until you brought her up.


Oh, I didn’t make that connection. Brain fart on my part. I guess it is such a commonly used insult, I didn’t make that connection.

Except it hasn’t been.

Because she is the only person to have acknowledged that I changed my stances on things post discussions. I don’t entirely agree with her, I don’t really like -how- she conducts herself here. But I am not going to lie and say I didn’t learn from my experience talking with her.

I didn’t bring her up for any spiteful reason.

I said in that very same comment that I was talking about someone else. Okay, can we end this now, please?

I think all Aki’s interactions can be boiled down to the following.

Yes. Even she has the self awareness to admit she’s trolling.


Who? Me?

BlizzConline was just cancelled, due to the lawsuit, people being fired, and likely also previous behavior at Blizzcon.

Isn’t that when they usually reveal the next expansion? We may get it in a forum post now.


Oh no… this is bad.

This kinda gives off WoW is dying vibes but it’s actually imploding from the inside.


I wonder if they need to fire more people now.

If activision is smart, they’ll hand over the Warcraft IP to a more respected company


No wonder you like Maiev so much. You’re acting like her now.

Maiev is awesome that’s why

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Who knows what state the Warcraft IP will be in after the dust settles.

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I take that as a compliment.

But that gif wasn’t meant to be dismissive of you, it was to express my lack of shock and enthusiasm for Blizzard products.

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