A recent lawsuit accuses the WoW team of being part of a "frat boy culture" - does that impact the story?

I just brought up how I liked the addition of incubi, and how it makes it so the Incubi weren’t slaves on their homeworld.

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He also agreed with me lol.

The succubus and Incubus are designed be be sexualized, down to the very folklore.

I didn’t, and that’s not the point.

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I wonder if she uses that Gigachad image as a way to emasculate men in this forum.

She certainly has strong and toxic opinions on efemminate men, which borders on homophobia. I’ve seen how she treats gay men especially in this forum. Her attacks on Baal seem a little too underhanded and don’t go under the radar, at least not by me.

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Yeah you did.


Like when?

You are literally just making stuff up because you’re buttmad. It’s pretty pathetic.

Well, I am straight myself, and she hasn’t insulted me like that, yet. Since she told him to do… uh that, then I believe you. I’m just tired of her nonsense, like you. Are you sure if you’re going to leave yet?

I know nothing about your sexuality or gender.

I have not insulted you because you have not insulted me, at least not until now, it is that simple.

I don’t like Baal because literally the first thing he said to me was an insult. Once again, this was before I knew anything about his sexuality or gender.

Ren has a long history of slandering people online with untrue nonsense. It’s why she doesn’t post as Luxio anymore.

I want to. Maybe a break will do me some good. I’m weighing if it’s even worth it. I love talking about the lore but the arguements get a little testing.

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Like I said, I’ll miss you a lot.

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I’m on Twitter, Tumblr and Reddit. I’m not far.

I’m literally only here to talk about lore and Sylvanas and I’ve been out of luck on both those things.

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I don’t know the history between you two, but he said you had “horrible histories” and you made a reference to a sex act.

So far it’s all been true.

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What are you talking about?

Like what? lol

You are literally aiding her in spreading misinformation. Honestly, you could even be an alt of hers, she has done that before.

I don’t post on Luxio anymore because I got called a fake Alliance poster too many times despite the fact she was my main from Legion to BFA

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That makes sense. If you disagree with something your faction does, you’ll get called a fake fan.

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See how fast Doness liked your post?

Luxio… You have been caught doing this before…

I called the buring of Teldrassil an “interesting plot development”. I really don’t want to open that wound again anytime soon.


My collections are way different than hers. In your mind, I have to be an alt.

Or maybe I can post on my phone while I do other things.


And you can check we are not the same person by checking our achieves and pets.


Of course you would.

Genocide is “An interesting plot development”

But I call Succubus/incubus sexy, and suddenly you call me a rap-st.

You can do you due diligence in proving you’re not the same person, but you are going to blindly believe blatant lies about me without evidence. Even double down and say “It is all true so far” and refuse to elaborate.

Honestly, I didn’t mind you in the forms. It seemed like we disagreed on stuff, but at least you were nice and civil.

But now you are just scum.

Well, if I did, that would be calling people out, which is against the rules.

Now, can we finally stop talking?

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