A recent lawsuit accuses the WoW team of being part of a "frat boy culture" - does that impact the story?

Would be nice to know -why- you feel the way you do… What makes you think I am gloating? What it is about the way I talk that infuriates you so much… Despite you actually agreeing with me.

Fickle indeed.

Nothing to see here.

Lol, how am I gloating tho?

And now it’s your turn, you’re a firefighter called in to a horrific blaze at the local Assisted Birth Center. There’s a secretary trapped in one room, and a portable support unit with 100 fertilized human embryos in another. The building is in danger of imminent collapse and your extensive firefighting experience tells you that you can only save one or the other, not both.

Which do you choose?

Whichever pays more, knowing her.


Well, this exercise is wasted on me. Because we actually agree on this issue. As I mentioned several times before, I am pro-choice.

I just think it is funny that people have such a hard time being honest about how morally ambiguous the debate is.

I do like money…

But even if I value the life of the secretary more than the embryos, there is another way to look at it.

Which is more worse? The death of one secretary? Or 100 families grieving their children?

Assuming these embryos were going to a family? People who can’t have them normally, I would guess.

I would still think the firefighter would prioritize the secretary, but its still a difficult choice.

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the point is these ethical debates about life are ongoing, they never end. There is no right answer but collectively we have for the most part determined that women’s lives are more important than embryo’s life using hypotheticals like Drahliana is presenting.

You don’t see Pro-life people out protesting IVF clinics that destroy numerous fertilized eggs because the life of a fertilized egg doesn’t matter unless it’s inside a woman and because it’s inside a woman, pro-lifers use this argument as a way to dehumanize and control women.

There’s no ‘honest argument’ advocating for a fertilized egg to be given the same value of life inside a woman’s body if we don’t even give that same advocation for life in fertilized eggs outside of a woman’s body.


It is a disservice to yourself to justify your own position based on the hypocrisy of the other side.

If you have not deeply considered the ethical and moral implications of your own position, then you have not fully thought it through. Which is scary, because this is literally a matter concerning the right to life.

Given that you didn’t have clear answers to my questions, to the degree that you got angry and resorted to personal attacks, means that the ethical nature of your decision upsets you and makes you uncomfortable.

At least Drahilana had answers. Her position was consistent.

I got angry because this triggers my own history as a woman with religious and sexual trauma.

Which you are just casually tossing aside like you normally do. You don’t care about other people, you only care about yourself. You hate women, you hate men, you are not sex positive, you are sexually predatory and your status here leaves a lot of people feeling triggered and helpless. and You react by being a troll about it.

You don’t care that you trigger people.

And you react to hurting people with sadistic glee.

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If this is a triggering conversation for you, then why are you engaged in it? You don’t have to be in this thread. There are other threads.

or you can stop. this was a productive and respectful discussion until you joined.

You’ve dodged so many bans it’s not funny. either you have some in with the mods or this whole damn forum is corrupt.

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It was productive and respectful until someone disagreed with you?

No, I have not been disrespectful to you. I am not here to troll or bully you.

You are triggered because your position was challenged, and you’re mad because you couldn’t hang.

yeah, a guess you are Blizzard’s Type, you’d fit right in, in the Cosby Suite.

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I like aki and I think she’s just asking us to evaluate why we take the position we do on this matter. Someone has to ask the uncomfortable questions. But that’s just me

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I’m not doing much more than contributing to the blaze here, so I’m done with this thread.



“You challeneged me and therefore you’re a rap-st.”

You’re the reason feminists aren’t taken seriously. You know that? You make it hard for women everywhere.

Whatever, I’ll carry your victim complex behind into the future of women whether you like it or not.

Here is an old article about infant self-awareness.


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Did you get that from the Incubi comment?


Maybe. Until then you are lucky to be apart of it.

Also, you are a disgusting person. What a garbage thing to say to someone. Because they challenged you on a video game forum… what an absolutely trash can person you are.

Yes, that’s just one example from this thread, and from other comments she’s made about men and women these last couple years.

That incuubi comment is alarming. I’m glad you also picked up on that.

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