A recent lawsuit accuses the WoW team of being part of a "frat boy culture" - does that impact the story?

If blizz were using demon slaves as an analog for real word slavery, than I get the outrage but I’m just as confused that that is the hill people decided to stand on and act outraged about. Definitely weird times we’re in

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Yeah, but Incubi are also a part of folklore, and they were never treated like that before.

Incubi according to most legends sexually assault women in their sleep. Not something I’d be defending

It is a reimagining of the species.

It is just really weird to be like “Women dominate this society, must be a sex thing.”


Succubi do the same to men, and I’m not defending either of those actions.

Absofricking lootly.

** Guilty as fricking charged.**

I hold the life of a human woman to be far more valuable than a nonsentient clump of cells. I also believe that a living human woman should have more rights to her body than a corpse.


I know, I just find it weird is all. Like none of these creatures are good, in any folklore stories

Infants are not fully sentient for at least the first year of their life. Do you value an adult life more than an infants?

I’m just throwing ideas at the wall. I probably shouldn’t have said anything. But, adding Incubi was considered an “inclusive” change by Blizzard.

I don’t mind the change. Hot demon boys is a very easy sell to me.

I just don’t see it as an improvement from a worldbuilding or inclusivity standpoint. It is an improvement only in the sense that it’s one more Warcraft asset I get to sexually objectify.

Which makes the whole change from sexy pixel art to fruit bowl still-life even more stupid.

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I can see why she doesn’t like you.


Are you telling me the Succubi and incubi models are not designed to be sexualized?

No. Just the way you talk.


It wasn’t gigachad this time.

Edit: Don’t like my post. I don’t like you either.


We’re not talking about a woman’s body in the latter case. Societies however with scarce resources were not shy about infanticide and abandoning unsuitable or unwanted infants goes pretty far back.

But again, I’m not interested in discussing post-birth terminations as they are literally outside of the areas that I am concerned with for this discussion.

Well, at least you are consistent.

This should be repeated.

You think I am gloating?

I’ll try not to think about anything you do in the future. I said before I’d stop talking to you, but I am quite fickle.