A recent lawsuit accuses the WoW team of being part of a "frat boy culture" - does that impact the story?

There is no real definition on when ‘life’ starts in the womb. You are just assuming life starts at conception. Life legally starts at birth.

Until birth life is in stasis.

Im not sure if you are contrary because you are just really dumb. Or you just love to play devil’s advocate. But i’m sure it’s the former.

That is my point.

Both concepts are valid. This isn’t as cut and dry as people want to make it seem.

Says you.

They are not both valid.

A clump of cells is not the same as a living person. To even suggest that invalides living humans with wombs.

Everyone here is telling you you’re wrong why can’t you just leave it alone?

This is also a construct, isn’t it? Life somewhere “began” only two years after birth? Or was it just names …

It seems that in Korea (at least in Asia), the child’s age also takes into account pregnancy. No?

Where were the children buried who did not live long enough? And they were buried somehow wrong, right?

You said it yourself. There is no real definition on when life starts. If I cannot say life begins at conception, you cannot say it starts a birth.

Well, that’s just like… Your opinion, man.

I think aki is just trying point out that it’s a lot more complicated than many people think and people don’t often give the subject enough respect

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Aki is a self aborbed Jerk.

If i get perma banned saying that so be it. I don’t care to be in this subreddit anymore with people like her.

She’s not an ally to other women. She’d throw us all undee the bus to be popular. A real ‘pick me witch’ that one.


Im not going against you or anything hun. I’m just trying to figure out what exactly her argument is

I’m so tired of her bull. It’s not cute, it’s not endearing. She’s the reason other cool women like Kyalin left this forum.

She’s going to gloat because she got her f ing ‘gotcha moment’

I hate her.


I know, Kyalin was actually really nice once we got talking. Some people just like to be difficult for whatever reason

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Anyways i’ll probably say a pre-emptive bye now. Blizzard only supports terrible people.


Don’t leave hun. You’re one of the few I actually like on this forum. But I understand your frustrations, and I’m sorry to see you go

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It’s your decision, but I’ll miss you so much.

… But Im already popular.

Kyalin and I get along. She has invited me to her discord multiple times.


I guess I should attempt to answer the thread’s question. How does it affect the story? It affects it pretty much everywhere, and not just in WoW. I mean, that Dryad “I’m so wasted.” joke wasn’t removed earlier, simply because Warcraft 3 was an old game. There’s still plenty of filth that Blizzard hasn’t cleaned up.

People just need to get thicker skin. Idk if it’s a Zoomer thing or what, but 2020-2021, things got real puritanical.


I mean, you’re not wrong. People do seem to be a lot more fragile or at least more easily offended.

The worgen parts of Wolfheart were good, the rest of the novel? Not so much

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Is it?

I mean, I don’t mind the change, but I fail to see how it is better or worse from a world building perspective.

I have mentioned before, and to simplify, there are two schools of thought for world building, and it ultimately depends on your target market.

Is your world intended to be fantastical escapism? Or is it meant to be a fantasy world that is meant to feel real and perhaps serve as an analogue to explore complex ideas?

Both are entirely valid, and I think Warcraft has always been the later more than it has been the former.

I mean, the overall premise of Warcraft is that is is a world made up of warring Ethno-states with long rivalries. Race based hatred is commonplace for all parties involved. Given that, it is weird to me that we are drawing the line at slavery for a demonic race… and pixelated images of sexy women.


… They are succubi tho.

Like, the folklore of Succubus is they seduce men and drain them of their health for sustenance.