A recent lawsuit accuses the WoW team of being part of a "frat boy culture" - does that impact the story?

don’t feel like making a whole thread but the Story Forum Mods unpinned all the “read before posting” threads

lol the utter state of the forum


Alien - yes. What’s with your own? Can scientists and goblin industry workers … Although, it is unlikely that the goblins had such a problem. In the name of production efficiency, abortion was performed immediately.

Wrong. How do you define personhood? For one, lack of body parts doesn’t nullify personhood, or amputees would be disqualified. You’re dehumanizing babies to justify sacrificing them for the lives of adults, essentially arguing that parents should sacrifice their children for their own gain.

Funny you bring up science, because it has proven - among other things - that a baby has their own heartbeat one month after conception… and yet abortions are allowed up to three months after conception.

In your bias you mix up “Freedom of religion” - what the founding principle actually is - with “freedom from religion” - which you in your prejudice want. Why don’t you go move to China, the world’s least religious nation and one that endorses state atheism you seem fond of?

That’s an unfair stereotype, and you know it. How many pro-life people have you actually met or spoken to? Universal affordable healthcare would be good, but there aren’t enough resources for it - especially now during a global pandemic.

Your prejudice rears its head in how you single out Christians. How many right-wing Christians have you actually met or spoken to about this? Do you know what other religions teach about abortion? Education relies on people applying what they’d learned.

It would be better if people didn’t have sex at the very least unless they were prepared to care for a child. Forced pregnancy is rare, the majority of women interviewed about why they got abortions stated it was either because they didn’t think they could look after a child or they forgot/were careless about contraceptives. And yet certain people are fine with babies dying for their mothers’ selfishness or carelessness.

Are you sure, l still see it.

I am not familiar with the mechanics of the Forums, but one time I accidentally pushed something that hid it or moved it. I wondered why I didn’t see it. And then I just pushed stuff until it came back.

Not sure if we are talking about the same thing, but I still see a pinned “read before posting” thread on the story forum.

huh odd, I do not, checked everything.

In the unauthorized version of the forum, the topic is pinned.

This is the right topic, isn’t it?

Not to get too off topic, but just a note on the Forum :

What I see is a little thingy near the bottom of that thread, below the last reply that says :

“This topic is pinned for you “

And it looks like you can choose to unpin it.


While I kinda sorta understand the argument that life begins at conception, and it’s even nice to think about that the soul of a person enters the clump of cells the moment the process of forming a new baby begins, I seriously doubt even the most religious people truly believe this till the end.

If you were in a burning hospital and had a choice to save an entire freezer crate of fertilised eggs or one live, frightened, crying baby, would you really think twice about your decision? I’m sure you would grab the baby and not even think about those eggs.

So when it really hits us, we will always choose a living being over potential life.


I appreciate how respectful you are about disagreeing. How many other religious people have you met or spoken to about this?

You raised a good point. I’d consider your hypothecial scenario quite the dilemma. Can’t say for sure what others would do if they were in that situation.

An unfertilized egg is potential life (can’t name the male reproductive cell because that word is banned on the forums), but after conception those “fertilized eggs” - or “embryos” to use the medical term - are living beings.

Finally, we have managed to hit rock bottom.


It’s all anarchy now, boys.

I would like for the record to note that I actually didn’t start this one.

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I don’t want to dismiss your beliefs. That’s not my intention. I understand that in Catholicism, and religious belief, life begins and conception. Catholicism also teaches fantastic values about the sacredness of all life.

While those clump of cells may be “alive” just like any cells in the body are alive, they are just cells. They lack awareness. I think there’s a misconception about “life” here. Bacteria is also alive, and yet we kill them en masse to make bread.

Every time you eat bread, think of the millions of souls snuffed out in a caterwaul of slow firey death.

Every time you smash a bug or a spider, send poison into an ant hill. That too is ending a life. Humans end life en masse and don’t even think twice about it. But ending a single life as a mercy is seen as morally reprehensible? It seems so arbitrary when you think about it.

You can sympathize with women, but you cannot empathize with women in this situation because you will never experience carrying an unwanted child or having to make the decision or struggle mentally with the burden of that choice. That’s why this issue is best discussed among people who bear children (edited to be more exclusive to trans men) because only they can have empathy to other people who bear children in this situation.


If Buddhists or. Orthodox Jews were driving the anti-choice movements, I’d be singling them out. But in America the anti-choice movements are mainly being led by Fundamentalist. Protestants and Catholics, so there.

There’s never enough resources not in the richest nation on the planet, save every other single in the West even the one above our northern border has managed to make healthcare not the crushing financial nightmare it is in ths country.

People have sex… they’re built that way. basic biology. And last time I checked it took both a MAN and a WOMAN to get into these scenarios, yet like most anti-choicers you seek to punish women alone.

We’re not talking about babies… we’re talking about lumps of cells that aren’t concious and don’t have what we would call a human mind. And I thought America was supposed to be the place where excessive intrusion by others has no place. There is no crying crisis in population that needs to be addressed by forcibily intruding into the medical rights of another.


We haven’t invoked Goodwin’s Law yet.


The thing about anti abortionists is…they don’t actually care what happens to the kid once it’s born. Once the kid is born, these same people will complain about said kid being a drain on the system


How about castration? Is it worse or at the same level?

If you ask any pro-lifer how many disabled children in the system they have adopted. The answer is always zero. It’s not about life. It’s about controlling women and controlling reproduction.


I read a heart-rending story on Apple News today.

A 10 year old came down with a terminal case of covid. The doctors told the mother that only one thing could save the child but only with a 25 percent chance of doing so.

The doctors told the mother that the only option was to amputate the child’s arms and legs. It’s hard to imagine a more horrific position to be put in.


The mother made the heart wrentching choice to let her kid pass away……that broke me truthfully.

I’m a spiritual person by nature(I don’t really follow the main stream religons) but there does come a point where you have to put your beliefs off to the side and do what’s best for the women in situations where the pregnancy could potentially kill them. Most men don’t understand how incredibly difficult and or life threatening a pregnancy can be for a woman and it bothers me that it’s mostly old white men making these abortion decisions.


How to cope with a conflict with a parent, being mentally defective?

Does this mean that as long as only white men serve in the army, black women have no right to occupy military posts, including the presidential one?
Sorry. I know there is a mixture of defective statement, defective logic and ignorance of English. Mda. Fall into sweet mad enthusiasm.