A recent lawsuit accuses the WoW team of being part of a "frat boy culture" - does that impact the story?

If Buddhists or. Orthodox Jews were driving the anti-choice movements, I’d be singling them out. But in America the anti-choice movements are mainly being led by Fundamentalist. Protestants and Catholics, so there.

There’s never enough resources not in the richest nation on the planet, save every other single in the West even the one above our northern border has managed to make healthcare not the crushing financial nightmare it is in ths country.

People have sex… they’re built that way. basic biology. And last time I checked it took both a MAN and a WOMAN to get into these scenarios, yet like most anti-choicers you seek to punish women alone.

We’re not talking about babies… we’re talking about lumps of cells that aren’t concious and don’t have what we would call a human mind. And I thought America was supposed to be the place where excessive intrusion by others has no place. There is no crying crisis in population that needs to be addressed by forcibily intruding into the medical rights of another.


We haven’t invoked Goodwin’s Law yet.


The thing about anti abortionists is…they don’t actually care what happens to the kid once it’s born. Once the kid is born, these same people will complain about said kid being a drain on the system


How about castration? Is it worse or at the same level?

If you ask any pro-lifer how many disabled children in the system they have adopted. The answer is always zero. It’s not about life. It’s about controlling women and controlling reproduction.


I read a heart-rending story on Apple News today.

A 10 year old came down with a terminal case of covid. The doctors told the mother that only one thing could save the child but only with a 25 percent chance of doing so.

The doctors told the mother that the only option was to amputate the child’s arms and legs. It’s hard to imagine a more horrific position to be put in.


The mother made the heart wrentching choice to let her kid pass away……that broke me truthfully.

I’m a spiritual person by nature(I don’t really follow the main stream religons) but there does come a point where you have to put your beliefs off to the side and do what’s best for the women in situations where the pregnancy could potentially kill them. Most men don’t understand how incredibly difficult and or life threatening a pregnancy can be for a woman and it bothers me that it’s mostly old white men making these abortion decisions.


How to cope with a conflict with a parent, being mentally defective?

Does this mean that as long as only white men serve in the army, black women have no right to occupy military posts, including the presidential one?
Sorry. I know there is a mixture of defective statement, defective logic and ignorance of English. Mda. Fall into sweet mad enthusiasm.

This is a topic I am willing to debate when it comes up. What is your evidence that they lack awareness?

While I respect that there are some values we share, before continuing this conversation I must point out a few things that are not correct.

The example you gave are false equivalence. Human life is different from plant and animal life, even moreso the latter. The bread analogy is particularly egregious. If you want to raise the issue of “x lives vs y lives”, all life has value some is worth more than others - to use a rough analogy of money 50c (plant life) is worth less than 10$ (animal life) which is worth less than $100 (human life). All have value, but not the same amount.

There’s also situations; an unborn child isn’t going to infect people with a venomous bite like a spider or contaminate food like an ant colony.

By that logic, people without male reproductive organs have no right to comment on issues like testicular cancer or male contraceptive pills, don’t you agree?

In light of your stereotyping of pro-life people, I have three questions for you;

  • How many pro-life people have you asked how many children - disabled or otherwise - they’ve adopted?
  • How many pro-life people have you actually met or spoken to besides myself?
  • How many children - disabled or otherwise - have you or any pro-choice people you know adopted?

I am financially not in a position to look after a child. And why should innocent people pay for others being irresponsible (in the cases where a pregnancy resulted from the woman being careless with contraceptives or not bothering with them)?

Refusal. Microbial life costs more, only there are too many of them, so the price drops to insignificant nothing.

You shouldn’t single anyone out, and you know it. You do know there are non-Christian religious people in the U.S. who also oppose abortion as their religions have similar views on life, right?

It’s telling that you avoid my question about how many pro-life you’ve actually met or spoken to. Answer it; how many? I suspect it’s zero and you’re speaking purely from prejudice.

The child’s father usually has little to no say in whether a woman gets an abortion, especially these days in Western society. Of course, if the child was conceived by force, the man in that case forfeits any right to having a say.

What evidence do you have that the unborn are lumps of cells that aren’t conscious? Drop the “excessive intrusion” dog whistle. The issue for most of us, including myself, is not about population growth or controlling women, despite what pro-choice ideologues say, it’s about the lives of the unborn.

By the way, there’s also no overpopulation crisis that needs to be resolved.

That is a stereotype and you know it. How many pro-life people have you actually met or spoken to about this?

Scientificamerica reports the following about scientific study of when fetuses develop conciousness:

“Consciousness requires a sophisticated network of highly interconnected components, nerve cells. Its physical substrate, the thalamo-cortical complex that provides consciousness with its highly elaborate content, begins to be in place between the 24th and 28th week of gestation.”

Abortions usually take place in the first 11 weeks of gestation. Long before consciousness. The term “late stage abortion” is abortion after 24 weeks, and it’s only ever done if the preganacy is non-viable. Which means the baby will not live outside the womb. It has zero chance of survival.

I’m not going to debate with you on your theory that some lives are worth more than others. Because that’s toxic social, political and religious ideology. I prefer the Buddhist approach that all life, from ants to humans, are equally sacred.

I’m more of an animist and I do not believe in human superority, or that God gave humans divine supremacy, to me that’s just unfounded belief. You are free to believe what you want but I’m not required to debate your beliefs or defend my own.


I have four of them in my immediate family and I have several friends with this mentality. You really need to stop pretending these people don’t exist


So, medical experiments on foetus can be carried out before these weeks?
The current limit is 14 days. Is this statement correct?

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And how do they measure “consciousness”? Sounds like they’re just talking about development of the brain as a physical organ. And how can they experiment on an “embryo” that small?

Also, why did you disregard everything else I said?

I never pretended they don’t exist. Stereotypes have a grain of truth but they are unfair generalizations.

While I don’t know what experiences or discussion you’ve had with the pro-life people you know, your family and friends aren’t the only pro-life people in the U.S, let alone the rest of the world.

You really need to stop tarring pro-life people with the same brush.

I said Most have this mentality, I didn’t say all of them do. I know there some pro lifers who actually do adopt and care. But lets face the hard reality here, most y’all don’t care.

You’re still stereotyping, though credit where credit is due for that small concession. By your own admission you haven’t met “most” pro-lifers even in your own country.

Am I the only one outside your family members or friends that you’ve discussed this with?

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I can only base things on my personal experiences, goes with the majority of people….it’s why stereotypes exist to begin with

@Thadeus , would you like to talk about cyborgs?

Don’t react. I don’t have a conversation plan, except how to find out your attitude to the replacement of body parts when it is not required for medical reasons. Futurology.

Scream. There is another word. I was able to formulate it, but I forgot. Hysterics? Can it manifest itself in the form of insane enthusiasm?

And stereotypes are often wrong and can lead to dangerous generalizations. That’s happened to every group of people at some point.

Sure. Personally, I disagree with getting replacement body parts when the existing ones are working just fine.