A real GDKP solution

Yeah I guess. I’m on the fence of just enforce your ToS and ban the gold buyers. No need to ban a system a lot of players enjoy. Most players buy gold. The people whining about gdkp players buying gold don’t seem to understand that the average joe is probably or probably did buy gold at some point. Blizzard made it very clear they don’t care about gold buying when they don’t do anything to soda other than take his gold

It’s really not that simple though, they can ban gdkps and enforce it… and people are still going to find ways to gdkp right?

Exact same thing with RMT - you can ban it and enforce it, but people are still going to find a way. ESPECIALLY when people can make money doing it

It’s already been solved

I think most Gdkps will stop. I don’t think gold buying will. People will still buy gold and bots will still exist. No one cares about the integrity of the game any more. But why should they? Blizzard clearly doesn’t. Banning gdkp is a bandaid fix at best. I’m glad they’re trying it. But i don’t think it’s gonna have the effect they think it will

People don’t want to risk their account. People buy gold because they don’t get banned

It’s not a perfect fix, and blizz said the only reason they are doing it is because there has been such a large pushback from the community against gdkp for so long. Best thing is to just sit back and see what happens imo. Does anything change with the absence of GDKP? Guess we get to find out

Let me know if you’re actually planning on this. I think it’s a great idea, because Wrath gold/tokens can actually be used for game time, which is cool.

Is there a discord for this yet?

Never had an issue with it before, so idk why you think people would riot lol. Mostly they appreciate having minimal downtime between bosses and no one misses a roll because they were clearing trash and not paying attention to chat. We also explain thats what we’re doing before we start and I’ve never had some one complain or leave over it.

Also, stop making up percentages that you have zero ability to prove; you can make your argument without making up numbers

Edit: It also helps us avoid situations where some one wins something like a non-set helm, equips it, and then wants to roll on the set helm when it drops. People appreciate that as well.

We have a GDKP solution.

They are banned.


I do agree, as I said in response to your question. If advertised in trade chat, the person advertising would be falsely mass reported. But with no argument from you I’m not sure you actually understand what is being talked about.
Do you believe you are being clever or am I to assume this is just a troll?

It’s anecdotal because I’ve done hundreds even thousands of ms>os groups, but I’ve never even heard of a ms>os group distributing loot like this, there’s no denying you are in a very small minority

I would assume that using gold or anything with gold value to bid on items is something they will enforce. I wouldnt take the risk, but its your account not mine. I think there is going to be an insane number of bans on people trying to circumvent the no GDKP policy before people give up trying to find a workaround.

Half correct, yes they are banned. The solution is in regards to how players are affected. You personally may not be affected and I can understand that you may believe only RMT players are affected. However you are wrong. Many players run GDKP for perfectly legitimate reasons. This is a solution for them.

Possibly true, I think the black lotus idea I’ve seen floating around is one such instance that will fail. The token however is something blizzard themselves have control over and it does not introduce gold into SoD or any gold from bots into the retail economy (if used for gold rather than game time).

Im very surprised that in your THOUSANDS of runs that you have never encountered this, but my friends and I aren’t the only ones who do this and we aren’t the ones who came up with it either. Give it a try, it helps avoid loot issues like the one I described above. It’s even better in a MS>OS+1 because people will know exactly the items they can roll on and which item they want to use their MS roll on.

Do people realize that they are trying to play legal limbo with a company that is judge jury and executioner? They literally can make their own rules and enforce them however they want and people have ZERO legal recourse from any punishment handed out? I dont care about GDKPs personally, but watching people try to do gymnastics in order to circumvent the rules is exactly what happened when they banned ISboxer for multiboxers. Do you have any idea how many irreversible bans and account closures happened before people stopped trying to run similar programs?

Oh no I totally understand you on this, without clear answers from blizzard there is no way to know with 100% certainty that any idea would float. Some ideas certainly seem more reasonable than others however.

Gonna be a pass from me, I don’t join +1s and it just sounds like more work to me. The items drop people see what the items are, and they roll on the items. Easy. No hauling items around, no having to remember every single item that dropped in the raid to make sure you aren’t getting scammed. No sitting around at the end of the raid waiting for everybody to roll, etc etc


This is an age-old problem. GDKPs really didn’t do much to fix it.

There are no reasonable ideas other than the show is over, it was fun while it lasted. Any system that uses a value based ITEM in game to buy loot is considered “At your own risk”. Dont worry though, people will find out, they always do.

Lol it’s literally the exact same amount of work. You link the items and people roll. But you do you boo