A real GDKP solution

Put the pipe down now, son.

Correct, I think you are failing to realize why they exist though. Yes in part people participating in RMT contributed to them. You are missing the other side however which is that alot of people ran them because the gold payouts incentivized people who were fully geared and had already been clearing these raids on their mains with their guilds to continue running said raids that had no other reason to raid.

This gave access to people in guilds that could not clear these raid or people without guilds the opportunity to be carried provided they had gold to bid on items.

What do you suggest people in casual guilds or guildless people do when Naxx releases and they cannot clear it? Previously they could join a gdkp to gain access to these raids. Now they will have a significantly harder time finding a way into a raid that can clear. You can of course take the hard stance that they simply don’t deserve to clear the content if they don’t find a competent guild or are themselves not good enough and that’s fine.

The wow tokens does in fact, create money. If no one buys a wow token after a certain amount of time, wow will give you gold and then take your token.

Is it that wild? Maybe, but I think a lot of people are not realizing how a lack of GDKP will deny or make access to endgame content significantly more challenging for a lot of people.

This is controlled by blizzard, not a third party and does not introduce gold to the SoD servers (which is what they are combating).

Here is a thought, you raid even when geared to help your friends gear up too! But it does require you to go out and make friends (le gasp) Crazy right?

Or you raid as a guild to get achievements, to practice encounters, spend time with friends, transmog farm, gear alts the list goes on.

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Is that not a good thing though? If your endgame content is too easy, why bother calling it endgame? Instead of selling GDKP’s take friends/guildmates through and try teaching them what they dont know. Or you know, point them to good guides and what nots instead of treating the populace like your personal piggy bank xD

I’m in basically the same boat, I haven’t run any GDKP in SoD so far but I did run them in classic and tbc. My experience with them was that they gave me a reason to keep raiding once the guild I was in and finished progression and they fueled my consumes for main raiding and helped gear alts. Also seemed they gave a lot of raiding opportunity to people who otherwise would not have been able to clear the content whether due to them being guildless, in a casual guild or just not being good enough to have done the content otherwise.

Not sure if you are intentionally trying to be insulting with the insinuation of a lack of friends or if you truly believe that a lack of friends/willingness to help others or viewing the community as a piggy bank are the issue.

But I’ll bite here, I’m only responding to this from my own experience. So in classic and tbc I did make friends mostly with the people in guild that I spent the most time playing with. It was a competitive guild that was trying to push speedrun records from MC all the way to Sunwell. Durring TBC when I was asked to change my main to a class I had no experience with the guild was very helpful and lenient with me learning the class while we progged from Kara through Sunwell.

As we reached farm status for each teir of content we would run GDKP and bring non guildies into the raids and run secondary raids on alts. This would provide us with gold to support our mains as well as sources of gear for our alts. I never viewed the community as a “piggy bank” as you call it but to be blunt, there is a reason you have “carries” and “buyers” in these runs. Some people are doing the work while others pay for the work to be done. It’s transactional no one views the other as being “lesser” in this transaction though, both parties gain.

You want to know how many groups don’t divy up loot when a boss is killed? None of them. I’ve never been in a group that didn’t divy up loot when a boss is killed. Yeah you’re a real sleuth, how will they ever detect secret gdkps when they are the only type of group that doesn’t divy up loot immediately, it is a mystery

Sarcasm will not get you far.
We do not know by what exact mechanism GDKP would be detected but I would assume it would be by the transfer of gold rather than at what point items are divvied out.

Generally in my experience these raids are organized the week before and signed up for so the leads can determine who they want to bring to make for a smooth run and setting up a level 1 alt is all that would need be done. I do understand the confusion though as a lot of the gdkp i’ve seen advertised on SoD are just pugs.

Nah, if I was building something to detect gdkps all I would do is check raid groups for who they master loot to. If a raid master loots all loot to 1 person, and then trades out loot it’s probably like 99.9% of being a gdkp. I mean I’m sure they also have gold detection stuff.

No argument.

Just stating what’s going to happen.

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Yeah it is entirely possible, some guilds do wait for end of run though to divvy out loot especially if they are pushing for speed clear times.

You are correct, speedrunners will sometimes do that. It will be fairly easy to take a look and see if a group is speedrunning or not

Idk. Blizzard is just punishing players because they suck at enforcing their ToS. You could probably still run Gdkps in p2 honestly.

We do this in MS>OS so we don’t need to waste time after bosses rolling on gear and the raid keeps moving.

Depends how Blizz handles it really, almost nobody will gdkp at first. And then as word spreads that people are getting banned people won’t gdkp. If word starts spreading that people aren’t getting banned for gdkp more and more people will pick it back up. Ball is in Blizzard’s court

I have been in many ms>os groups you are in the 0.1% of groups that do this if you are telling the truth. Most people would start rioting in the raid chat if a pug leader decided to do this