General Information
What I am looking for:
I am looking for a guild that is active on discord to do heroic raiding and/or mythic+ with. I am also capable of doing some mythic raiding if your guild does that. Generally, the first five or so bosses each tier on mythic would be easy enough. I’m dying to do mythic; however, so if it isn’t something your guild is currently into, no worries.
Raid Times:
Wanting to raid on the weekends. Friday evenings are also a possibility.
Location and Time Zone
Arizona (Yes, Arizona actually has its own time zone because we like to think we are too cool for daylight savings)
Character Information:
Healer – I prefer playing my resto druid but could do holy priest if needed and your guild is a good fit.
Honestly, I don’t have anything current that would be of value due to not playing much the last few xpacs.
WoW instances/encounters experienced:
Legion (Heroic) -
- Nighthold 7/7
- ToS 9/9
- Emerald Nightmare 6/7
WoD (Heroic)
- Highmaul 7/7
- Blackrock Foundry (10/10)
On My Priest:
Cata – 6/7 HM 25 Man Firelands prenerf
10/13HM 25 Man (Ascendant Council and Sinestra incomplete)
Wrath – All HMs except Lich King and Halion
BC – Unfortunately I didn’t get to see Sunwell. Everything cleared in TK and SCC except Vashj and Kael.
Why I think I would be a good fit for a Heroic raiding guild:
As you can see from encounter history, I do have a fair amount of appropriate experience in the past, and I’ll do my best to give you all a good idea of the type of raider I am without the logs.
I think one of the best things I can say about myself in terms of what I bring to the guild is that I really love raiding and all the nerdy things that come with it. This is important because it means I actually like looking up boss encounters, watching videos, tweaking my UI, finding helpful addons, going over logs, etc. I am also up for activities outside of raiding such as m+, battlegrounds, and random achievements. I’ll break the rest of the information into sections to help divide it up.
UI and Addons:
Here is my UI: which should illustrate that I really put a lot of time and effort into making sure I have the info I need in an easy-to-see way.
I do a ton of tweaking to stuff that goes above and beyond what most people do with addons. For example I have a Weak Aura on my druid that tells me if at least 3 people are being healed by my Efflorescence – something like this is above and beyond the basic addon use as it requires messing with more complicated stuff. Sometimes, I’m capable of creating the more in-depth stuff myself, but most of the time I’m just aware of the full capabilities of addons and know I should be able to get something like this to import if I go look for it and do some tweaking.
Preparation for raids:
I can give a ton of info about my preparation when I was raiding seriously if asked but I’ll stick to one example unless asked for more. When preparing for Herioc Balaroc, I had easy to see visual tracking established for vital spark and vital flame and other important fight buffs/debuffs on myself and raid before my raid attempted the boss. I also knew what spell rotation and tricks to use to start ramping up my spark stack quickly. Additionally, I came up with healer assignments and a cooldown rotation (we didn’t have any rogues or other op classes for soaking torment so I had to get creative) that allowed us to kill the boss in just two nights of trying the strat I suggested. Honestly, we probably could have killed it the first night but the paladin tank was not using cooldowns in the manner I asked because he was “saving” them for later. He was not forthcoming with this info and I only discovered it after tearing apart the logs after the raid night to figure out why things weren’t working. Unfortunately, I don’t have the full set of posts where I describe my ideas for the fight to the healing officer (who asked me for insight after our first night on the boss) but I do have a positioning chart I made suggesting and explaining the positioning.
Some info about me and how I use logs to evaluate myself:
As a healer not everything is about logs, but I still find them very useful in evaluating some aspects of performance. I usually check avoidable mechanics to see who took the most damage from them. If I find myself near the top of that list I take steps to remedy that. Sometimes that means just being more careful but, if needed, I will change my boss mods to give me a special warning when a certain ability is coming, or I will make a Weak Aura to notify me of specific abilities. Also, I have used logs to evaluate the usefulness of certain talents for my play style. I also used logs to check tank deaths to see if those deaths resulted from healing issues that need to be addressed. I also find it helpful to look at logs of other healers to see what they are doing.
Contact me @:
Discord: Zarahae#1169
Battle: Zarahae#1951