A Rant - Keys should not derank

If bliz were to do that it would need to come with a complete reimagining of higher level m+ as well as significantly more rewards between KSH and title, as removing deranking from high keys effectively makes title unpuggable.

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A response: Yes they should.

I mean, I’m not convinced the current method of earning title is really the best approach. Cutting off the bottom 10 levels shouldn’t impact those chasing title, but here we are.

I won’t pretend to know what’s best for players at your level, so I will defer to your expertise for what work best. I just suspect there are more players at your level willing to admit they need to drop a key to have any chance to time it than players holding a +10 key.

You’re not giving a +5 player a +10, you’re giving a player who has completed a +9 a +10. Without artificially gatekeeping him by depleting his key when due to whatever circumstances he fails to time the key.

Completing a +9 does not guarantee you are ready for a +10. By having the +10 deplete, that player is given a level seemingly appropriate for their current level to continue to improve before retrying the +10. This is especially relevant given the differences in difficulty due to different dungeons and affixes each week.

But more significantly, carries exist. Carries come in all shapes and sizes, ranging from in-game transactions where it’s understood a person is a carry to streamers that use key carries as a way to engage with their audience to a player wanting to accelerate the progression of their friend by bringing them to a higher level key than they’re comfortable in to players applying to as many keys they aren’t qualified for until some unsuspecting group takes them and they happen to complete the key in spite of that player. Regardless of the circumstances of the carry, that player would now have that level - 1 (at worst) the rest of the season with which they can muddy the PUG key waters. Eventually it’s likely some group will be able to carry them to success, but there will be a whole lot more failures along the way, wasting the time of the players who didn’t know that player didn’t belong at that level.

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Then the next vault rolls around and they get a +10 because its the highest key they timed that week.

I just want to get into a dungeon and do a dungeon. I don’t really want to fail a single pull a dozen times before I’m allowed to finish a dungeon. At that point it just sounds like raid prog. If you wanna raid prog, then raid.

That said, I’d be okay with Legion depletion coming back. I thought that system was pretty decent.

Good lord no. Nobody wants to do a key for literally nothing in return.

I mean, you get to practice the same key you just failed. It’s the same concept, no? Without depletion you’d be hammering a single pull again and again with no reward, wouldn’t you?

The keyholder maybe, what about the other 4 people now timing a key for no score, crests, or loot?

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I mean, premade > pug, I guess. I don’t see how keys not depleting is gonna make the pug scene better, though. Didn’t do enough damage pull 1? Kick and go agane.

I don’t really see a strong argument for why you shouldn’t be able to choose whatever key level you want. If its really an issue with players doing death marches just make it so you have to time it.

You have a point and there are a few other issues as well with keys not depleting like the keyholder being able to leave if he doesn’t like the first pull or there being a lack of lower level keys, but I think the way it currently is isn’t ideal either. I’ve logged out for the week because of leavers and bad key rng. The life of pugging mid to high keys is brutal. Toxicity tends to go away the higher you go in level, but depleting keys is still super painful in its current iteration. I think a charge system would be ideal.

Agree with this. But I don’t think there’s a quick fix or silver bullet.

I think that starting from 0 and gradually increasing the level is fine. However, the key level dropping by 1 each failed attempt is ridiculous.

Why isn’t it so, for example, in raids if you wipe to a boss on heroic, you gotta beat that boss in normal before trying again on heroic? Boss fights dont take that long and it would still be infuriating experience. Now when it comes to 30min dungeon runs its somehow acceptable, because reasons.

Oh, yes, that one level lower key really prepared me for this next attempt :unamused: So much time would be saved and the m+ scene would be less toxic if the automatic deranking were gone. But nah.

Because you can do keys in any order you want, and can run keys more than once for rewards every week.


So, basically a system to waste your time if I understood you correctly? I don’t see why m+ being repeatable is a factor here, unless this is from a PoV that favours “raiding only” gameplay.

It’s to account for M+ shortcutting the rewards pacing of end game, and provide for some degree of a fail case (since you still get loot/vault for missing the timer).

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