A Random PSA for players with bank alts

There is no direct pvp(unless you wandered into the opposite faction city for some weird reason)…but people always find a way. One way i saw recently is a hunter will get the curse from shadowfang keep that spawns ghosts on their pet and then dismiss the pet. Then hearth to a city and bring the pet back out. Once the ghost spawns they feign death and the ghost will run around one shotting low level players. There are a few other methods as well but this one seems to be the most popular.

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Damn so same faction fratricide. Thats king d-bag moves there.

Most of WoW can be safely leveled through if you take your time and eother wait til you get a few good drops, pull carefully or just grind up before moving on. Adding a layer of friendlies getting you killed would just be frustrating.

I still might try it. But i have had every class at max level at some point, most are sitting around waiting for their turn to hit 70 now, and really dont want to level anything from 1 again. So maybe, maybe not.

Walking down bank alts is a pastime though.

I’d just park a bank toon in Darnassus.

These types of posts should mention hardcore.

This is in the classic hardcore forums…


I guess ironforge is safer than stormwind.

Of course you would.

They are refering to if that alt dies, the alt can no longer hit return in game.

I completly agree with you, they should mention its hardcore. Maybe they can put an identifier under the title of the post. I mean thats what i would do anyway.

(Btw, take a gander under the posts title at the top)

Or you can play HC how it is intended. There is risk and reward. You die, lose it all. Don’t send it off to a bank alt. – but it does make me chuckle that majority with a bank alt are in fact those who can’t get out of the teen levels… AH use makes it 1000% easier now, too.

Most ways people grief bank alts would still be deadly at level 5 as well.

I do this to utilize the mailbox as unlimited bag slots. just mail your main stuff and leave it in the mail until you need it, you have 30 days to take it out. free bag space.

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At the top of this page, it indicated what forums youre reading. In this example, youre posting on a dedicated HARDCORE forum. Have a good day.

Not when you’re surrounded by lvl 1s.

HC is intended to be played however a player wants within acceptable game mechanics until they die, and then they stay dead. House rules are up to you.


Not intending to make anyone play differently, but imo this current version of “hardcore” is medium core at best.

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I am curious to what is killing people’s level 1 bank alts, I have had mine for a couple months with no problems. You’re all getting me worried now. :frowning:

How could you possibly know this?


Honestly it’s a pretty low chance. But griefing does happen, and happened every so often in Vanilla. If you are worried about it, park your bank alt in Darnassus or Thunderbuff.

It’s more of a “You should be aware that this CAN happen” but the chances of it happening to you are pretty low.