A Random PSA for players with bank alts

When you send money to your bank alt leave it in the mail until you need to use it. The reason for this is to protect your gold from the bank alt being griefed and dying. Should that happen at least you will get your gold back in 30 days, but if you open your mail and keep it in your inventory it’s gone if the character dies.

I’m not the first person to use this trick i’m sure…but thought i would share just in case. =)

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Just stop using level one bank alts.

Or, just use the return mail service on BNet and get it back instantly.

how cool…i didn’t actually even know this was a thing.

Yeah, apparently it works well as long as you don’t open the mail or delete/transfer the dead toon before you do it.

most people just want to get back to playing so they don’t level their bank alts…can’t blame em.


Half an hour to lvl 5 saves you a lot of gold, plus they can learn professions.

just put your alt in a city no one goes to like TB

You don’t even have to do this. The bank alt can open the mail and hit Return and it bounces back immediately. You can even remove some items and return the rest.

If I see something I want from the AH that is a level or more above at a good price, I buy it on my main then mail it to my alt. When I’m ready to use it, I log on my alt and return the item to my main. That way, if I die, the item isn’t lost.

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The bank alt can’t open the mail when they’re dead though, which is why the Bnet return mail service was mentioned for that scenario.

Or, and this might be a hot take… Blizz can figure out how to break the functions that allow the griefing?

And this doesnt juat apply to bank alts. Any low or mid level toon should not be at risk of dying INSIDE THEIR OWN FACTIONS CAPITAL CITY. Outside of doing something dumb like falling from high floor etc.


What if you’re in Stormwind Keep during the Ony event?

That’s not a grief that’s just a part of the game.

I guess that would count as something dumb or etc

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Darnassus doesn’t have Ony events and is generally more difficult for Horde to get to (in comparison to other capital cities)

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If youre that worried about it park your alt in TB or Darnassus.

Eventually someone is going to hit Stormwind, its just a matter of boredom after people are done leveling. Im sure someone will get a Baron Geddons bomb or something like they used to do in vanilla.

But even then, the chances of it being on your layer, when you are logged on, on your bank alt are pretty slim.

For a while there were lots of deaths from the spirit thing from Swamp of Sorrows. (I think that’s where it’s from, not sure.) I haven’t seen that in a while.

We still have the Sewer Beast and the Old Town thugs. And the throne room dragons from the Ony quest.

My bank alts that hold more than 1-2 gold at a time are all at least lvl 10.

Is it really a bank alt if it outleveled and outlived a third of the hardcore population?

At that point they’re more like attorneys or personal injury lawyers.


I feel like I’m missing a potential grief story here. Is this actively happening or are we talking about this in an overabundance of caution?

I’m sure they could, they just don’t care to invest the time into Hardcore. They want to do as little effort for the most amount of $$$.

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I don’t see why you would need to level up your bank alt, there’s literally no way to die unless you’re in SW and a hunter/rogue kites over Sewer Beast/town thugs- and at that point, being lvl 10 doesn’t count for much, if anything.

I do like the tip about not opening the mail though, this way you can instantly send back anything to the sender and have zero risk of losing it regardless of some odd bug/grief someone comes up with.

there have been several grief videos circulating with various methods where people kill bank alts for fun. the entire point of this post was a way to prevent this even though it is unlikely to happen.

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I haven’t tried the hardcore thing yet but i was under the impression it would play like a pve server. You have to flag yourself for pvp or have war mode on our something (or be dumb enough to engage a city guard) for pvp to work?

Is this not the case? If i can get randomly ganked at level 4 coming out of north shire abbey by some loser with nothing better to do i think i wouldn’t be interested in that at all. Like 0%.

I remember playing in Vanilla, as a resto-druid, and having roaming groups of 5 just killing leveling people for no reason at all. No honor points for killing someone 10+ levels below you. Or killing a whole town of npcs so you basically had to just stand there for 20 minutes unable to turn in quests.

I’m glad they killed that and would never want it back. I get it, world pvp can be really fun. When you want to pvp, or if even all the classes were balanced enough so if you got jumped by a hunter/ rogue/ whatever you had a chance to survive the burst and fight back. But getting merc’d trying to level was never fun, and would be 100 fold worse if once dead it was like game over.