Server: Sargeras, Alliance
Mythic progression raid: Friday and Saturday, 8:00-11:00 CST (9:00 - 12:00 EST)
Raiders Digest is recruiting exceptional dps for our mythic raid team. We are also looking for a strong healing lead.
We raid two nights a week in a progression minded atmosphere. Our goal is to achieve CE. We are looking for raiders with a sense of humor as well as the ability to give and receive constructive criticism without anger. We expect that raiders will maintain consistent attendance (90% or better) and keep the team apprised if there is a need for a longer absence.
Our ideal applicants will:
- Have a friendly attitude with a good sense of humor
- Complete at least 4 16+ (strongly recommend 8) keystone dungeons per week
- Maintain a high (90%) attendance rate for progression raiding
- Understand and prepare for fights ahead of time (watching videos, reading guides, consulting class discords)
- Understand their class and have a strong drive to improve their performance
- Come prepared to raid with food/phials/potions/enchants, etc.
- Be motivated to help the guild achieve its overall goals – not just for parses or personal loot
- Be able to take criticism and be respectful when commenting on others
- Be LGBTQ+ friendly and have a 0 tolerance policy for racism or sexism
Contact: (Discord) BumbleBree#8175 or SolSphere#7942