[A-PvP] <Malicious Moogles> [USA] [Recruiting] <8PM-11PM EST Wednesday/Saturday>

We are still recruiting for Classic WoW, so come join us for our journey back to Classic World of Warcraft!

We are still recruiting, but not as much as before. We have a very large Guild ready to launch when Classic launces this summer. If you would like to join a ready made group, come join the Malicious Moogles, Kupo!

We are still recruiting for Classic WoW, so come join us for our journey back to Classic World of Warcraft!

:smiling_imp: :vulcan_salute:

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We are still recruiting, but not as much as before. We have a very large Guild ready to launch when Classic launces this summer. If you would like to join a ready made group, come join the Malicious Moogles, Kupo!

Moogle the noodle

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We are still recruiting for Classic WoW, so come join us for our journey back to Classic World of Warcraft!

Hello, I am interested in. My battle tag is:
Molious #1222

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I’m interested. Planning on maining a shaman but willing to play almost anything.

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Thank you for your interest in the Malicious Moogles. We are enjoying our summer and waiting patiently for the August release. I sent you a message on BattleDotNet and left you our Discord link. Please join the server when you get a chance. We are not actively recruiting, but no one will be turned away that wants to join. We are a fully operational Guild, all the planning has been done. The officers have been in place for months. Raid Schedule, Loot System, and everything else is in place!

I sent you a friend request. Once you accept I will send you the Discord information. Thank you guys for your interest!!!

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Sorry, I bumped our old thready up. Please don’t respond to this thread, but use the one in the Guild Recruitment forum.