[A-PvP] <Malicious Moogles> [USA] [Recruiting] <8PM-11PM EST Wednesday/Saturday>

Our Guild is set and ready for :rocket: launch. Come join us for our journey back to Classic!

Hey, I’m interested in joining/learning more about you if you still have slots. I sent you a friend request from baoist#1539. Cheers!


Thank you for your interest. Yes, we still have slots open, and we are still actively recruiting. I just accepted your friend request!!!

Welcome to the Malicious Moogles!

Hey Maxx, Just wanted to wish a fellow guild master good luck.

Seeing that your recruiting is going well!

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Thank you very much! It’s always nice to get a friendly message :smile:
I hope all is going well for you as well.

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Lots of applications, just wish they could read instructions lol.

Feel free to join our discord, notice we both are going PvP chances are we most likely will be going EST-PvP aswell.


The Malicious Moogles are open for business! :grinning:

I’m very interested. Susse#1436


Added you, and I have sent you the link to our Discord server. :slight_smile:

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Thank you for your interest, and we look forward to getting to know you!

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@Maxx - Added you to Bnet

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Accepting now, Thank you!

The Malicious Moogles are open for business! :grinning:

Our Guild is set and ready for :rocket: launch. Come join us for our journey back to Classic!

Happy Sunday everyone :slight_smile: Classic is getting closer and closer! Come join us for our journey back to Classic!

Our Guild is set and ready for :rocket: launch. Come join us for our journey back to Classic!

Sent along the friend request Yogimus#1245 - looking forward to a mature guild where I can be semi casual :slight_smile:


Thank you for joining. I just sent you the Discord information. Welcome to the Malicious Moogles :smile:

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Welcome to the guild!
Happy Wednesday everyone :slight_smile: Classic is getting closer and closer! Come join us for our journey back to Classic!