[A-PvP][HARDCORE] <Scrye> Recruiting - Gold DKP system

The Core members:
We have been playing together since the around the launch of Black Desert Online in early 2016, as members/officer/founders of a guild known as FML. During which time we were one of the strongest PvP guilds on the Edan server.

When the game had nothing else for us on retail, many of us went to a private server and formed a guild now known as Instinct and changed its landscape forever. Many members became core resources to help set the foundation for the private server and assisted the devs in getting siege/nodewars coded in and available … thus making it the most successful private servers in BDO history

Currently we are playing FFXIV awaiting Shadowbringers, have cleared all content up to the current patch and prepping ourselves for WoW Classic.

What we offer

  • Discord resources to help people optimize leveling strategy to 60, find a meta DUO leveling buddy, build an optimized plan for pre-BiS gearing, information on how to practice your classes and leveling in a 1.12 environment… both 1-60, and dungeon 1 geared 60s
  • Strong community of experienced no-life gamers
  • Adult gamers who understand sometimes life happens
  • Experienced core leadership, who is always working hard behind the scenes to ensure that everyone has fun and feels like a valued member of the organization
  • Dank discord emojis

What we do not tolerate

  • Actual Racism/Sexism/Bigotry
  • Unwanted Harassment/advancement to our female players
  • Drama-mongering
  • Open/Hot Mics… use push to talk (its 2019 … yikes)

WoW Classic Goals

  • Many of us are 18+ hour a day No-Life rushing to 60
  • Many of us will be PvPing inbetween raids for r13/r14 in phase 2
  • Molten Core and Onyxia Cleared within the 1st month
  • Split MC raids to target and funnel gear to members in preparation for phase 3… BWL

In Order to accomplish the above goals, the main raid core WILL NOT be going off meta with classes, until the content is on farm… the alt/offspec raids, however, will be more laid back regarding composition and loot distribution… which brings me to…

Loot Distribution
Everyone should be shooting for BiS gearing, which includes PVPing for atleast r10, first priest to get r13 gear will be our designated shadow priest for the main raid.

Core raid group and farm runs will be based on a Gold DKP system

Gold DKP is a flawless system that works well for pretty much everyone. It makes raiders more conscious of their choice to need an item for offspec when it potentially robs a class of their BiS

If you get no loot from the raid you at least walk away with a bunch of gold to win bids next week. Players that are fully geared but show up anyway to help the raid get gold for their time. Undergeared PUGs that fill in for a missing raider (and would need on everything) will have to pay a pretty sum for being handed all those upgrades.

BOE dropped that’s worth 10K+…starting bid is 10k (or whatever it might be on the AH) The guy that bought his off the AH doesn’t get scuffed by someone else who waited for the drop

Alt Raid group will be open lotto, unless it makes zero sense to give a piece of gear to the class who can’t use it (common sense applies, we’re all friends… don’t be a goober)

Of course… common sense applies first and foremost. Actively trolling friends to drive up the bids will not be tolerated. If nobody wants the item, it will be sharded and placed on the guild bank account for future enchanting use.

THUNDERFURY, BLESSED BLADE OF THE WINDSEEKER IS NOT A HUNTER WEAPON, nor will it be given to a rogue any time soon… not until ALL Of the tanks have one (Paladins are not tanks)

This is also true in lesser terms for Anathema and Rhok’delar… etc
Class specific items will be determined where they go internally with the classes who can use them, and the class leads/officers and will NOT cost gold

We are in open recruitment for core Raiders

  • Druid - Healing
  • Paladin - Healing
  • Priest - Healing
  • Hunter - DPS
  • Mage - DPS
  • Rogue - DPS
  • Warlock - DPS
  • Warrior - DPS/OffTanks

Recruitment is open to anyone who is interested and wants to make friends to simply see if they would be a good fit for the community

Slide into my DMs on Discord:

or hit up Koro

(May need to send a friends request to contact on discord depending on settings)


Friendly community.

Come join us :slight_smile:

To the top! over 40 on the roster so far

Do you have a idea on raid times ?

previous game time was around 7pm CST Daily until clear, weekends off

Welp rip for me. GL to your guild.

no worries, see ya in Azeroth :smiley: … Lot of military over here, so raid times will be flexible. The closer we get to launch we will be able to lock down definite times, and see where everyone is at with IRL priorities

The 20man core has historically all have been available 7pm CST to whenever… harder to coordinate with 40 this far from launch

Yeah its understandable. I usually don’t get on my pc till like 11pm cst. Going to be fun trying to find a late night guild lol

Way back in the day when I was a bartender I ended up in a EU/AUS guild that happened to be on NA and raided with them because my playtime hours were so scuffed for NA people LOL

Yeah that’s the spot i’m in atm lol But i’m thinking of Warrior so i can pug 5 mans and stuff with friends so i don’t have to wait around. It will work itself out.

West coast or east coast server?

Best average ping for everyone is going to be either a Chicago or Dallas based server. When we get that data we’ll be putting priority on a CST server

Come join us for the Classic hype! Lots of great information in the discord, very friendly community :slight_smile:

Come come come :+1:

I have more healers than what I know what to do with… where are all the DPS people LOL

I think that’s a good problem to have :wink:

You do realize that means you’re not going to have a shadow priest until, what is it? Phase 2?? Also, R13 is boarderline non-stop PVP. You’re really gimping your Warlocks if you wait this long to designate a shadow priest.

How 'bout unwanted harassment to anyone? Male players get harassed, too.

First, gold DKP is a downright terrible system that encourages buying gold from third parties and/or manipulating the economy. Secondly, you shouldn’t be able to bid DKP on off-spec items when primary specs still need it. I have never been in a guild using DKP where this isn’t the case. Bidding is open to main-spec THEN off spec.

Yeah, not if people aren’t bidding obnoxious amounts of gold. There’s ~30 people to divide between + the guild bank cut. You see the flaw in this system, right? This system tries to make unreliable people reliable, and that’s just not how people work. People who are fully geared and committed are going to show up anyways.

GL on PUGing someone. I’d just assume your guildies are going to jack the price up and screw me because this system is shaaaaaaaady.

Yikes. Now you’re using loot council? I can understand getting your main tank his Thunderfury first (Probably you lol) but ALL of your tanks getting them before rogues? Gold DKP btw lul

Pick your loot system and stick with it. This is convoluted and confusing, and I can smell the extreme bias from here. Officers will always get tier and class items first without having to bid any of their gold… Cute.

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Ok so I’m assuming most of the guild will be folks who are employed and thus have limited time to play.

So with GDK, since I don’t know the system well, what is stopping someone who works from home or is retired from sitting in Dire Maul East in phase 2 for 16 hours a day farming 40-50 gold an hour. Doing that for a few days and showing up to each raid with 1,000+ raw gold and just outbidding everyone for items?

Is there any sort of limit to items you can get? Right now it sounds like there isn’t and someone could just come in and buy every single item for their class.

Who are you?

1.12 has been around forever… many guilds use GDKP, if someone wants to spend hundreds of hours to pad the pockets of everyone on raids for items… then by all means, do so… Current Naxx level items are being bid for 500-1000g each on private servers… thats THOUSANDS of gold into raiders pockets per run.

There is no guild bank cut… everyone is responsible for their own flasks/pots/consumables etc.

As far as what Im playing, Im working on Hunter and Priest right now… leaning towards a healer tho… there are Main Tanks that are prolly better than me in the guild already who have been tanking as long if not longer than myself (been a tank for close to 20 years … since EQ1) … and I think it’s time for me to try something else.

Class specific items referred to such things like… Anathema/Benediction, Rhok’Delar etc… not class specific tier armor… I should have been more specific… which I was in our discord.

Thunderfury goes to tanks… period.

PUGing in people from side guilds who know fights and such has been done since vanilla… it happens on occasion … even on private servers.

Regarding Warlocks being gimped by the lack of 1 shadow priest … Oh well… they’re not Mages/Rogues and core raid will only have 2-3 warlocks at most. Its not a huge loss of DPS compared to Mage/Rogue/Warrior composition

I am going to be going for R13+ … as will a lot of people over here are planning on it. We’ll be PVPing a lot… All day even.

I care about weirdos sending girls inappropriate pictures of their dingus or being an outright incel. Stop virtue signalling … obviously this extends to males, but I have NEVER seen a man get harassed as much as I’ve seen girl gamers be prey’d upon.

–Obviously this isn’t the guild for you, and I hope you find something for you in classic. You’re clearly bored and want something to complain about and type because you don’t have beta access. A great deal of us have been gaming together for over 5 years, and not a single one of these things that you mentioned has ever popped up.

Everyone has been respectful of their friends and gearing has never been an issue in any of the games we have played together. (WoW, BDO, FFXIV, GW2)

We have a very selfless core, who only want to crack jokes, talk about theory, and goof around… all while still being relevant in current content… and that is the standard I intend to uphold… Like have done for the past 10 years of running successful guilds.

This content requires 40 people… we have that… but its smart to be well above that because life does happen, people do fall off, but they stay within the community… so it makes sense to recruit openly to try and get to know folks better and see if they’d be a good fit for what we have built over here.