[A-PvP][HARDCORE] <Scrye> Recruiting - Gold DKP system

Thanks for your (Mostly invalid) opinions, thanks.

Antecdotal, gold selling is rampant on private servers so you’re really just proving the point I made.

Oh so they have to farm consumables and have money to bid on items?

Ignorance is bliss. You’re the one changing your loot system for certain items. It’s convoluted and stupid to change your loot system for the items that would likely bring in the most gold. :slight_smile:

Have fun getting farmed by the Horde. :wink:

I’m sorry, are there guilds that tolerate this behavior? Lmao.

Oh I knew that.

Bold of you to assume I don’t have beta access.

I find that extremely hard, no wait, impossible to believe. You’ve been running GDKP for 5 years with the same group of people? Big kek.

Ooooh, very hardcore guild mentality.

This is lack of game knowledge in action. DPS isn’t even a huge factor until the first gear check in BWL. By the way, you bring a hybrid shadow priest you dingus. You’re never going to have a “designated shadow priest” unless you want to throw away two extremely valuable debuff slots. Trust me, priests aren’t going to be fighting over who gets to use rank 1 mind blast to maintain the debuff.

Have fun mad dash recruiting warlocks when you realize how much they scale into gear, though. Your two warlocks are going to be awfully pissed at how many soul shards they need to bring to summon, stone and still have leftovers for demons & the like.

10 years huh? So you you’re a private server pleb! This explains a lot.

Don’t worry, I’ve already joined a guild using actual DKP. I look forward to camping you if we end up on the same server tho.

Good luck with your guild though. If you can make it work, more power to ya I guess. I was just pointing out the glaring flaws in your loot distribution and shadow priest designation.

As long as you dont bring some black desert “I controll everything and anyone who tries to do something to change it will be forced off the game” type attitude; welcome to wow.

ha! ahh nah… nothing like that… Ill leave that attitude to the devilsaur mafia people <3

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Can you answer my question regarding someone taking all of the gear due to having massive pockets?

Are you ok with one rich raider just taking all the gear they can use regardless of their performance?

Its a self correcting problem… if someone is capable of buying out EVERYTHING while being bid against. Thats a lot of gold being dumped into people’s pockets. Then they won’t need to buy items at all ever, and everyone else is going to be wealthier for it

This content isnt going anywhere (6 months worth of MC raiding+), and if bosses are dropping at current gear levels, then progress isn’t being affected.

If 1 person gets completely geared out because of his wallet or his dedication to no life farming or Auction house manipulation… then everyone benefits by having a very geared guildmate/friend AND they get their pockets lined with gold (which gold… does have value in vanilla)

Everyone else agrees within the guild as well… so it’s not an issue

Keep in mind, myself as well as many other people over here spent well over $8,000 USD in BDO EACH for gearing and progression. As well as Archeage (one guy spent closer to the $20,000 USD range)

I don’t care about the P2W aspect that blizz may or may not add to classic (we all know they will 100% add monetization options as well as tokens for currency sales), up to and including server transferring to buy BOE items on other server’s auction house

Ok I was just curious. If you all work from home or are retired I don’t think it will be a big deal, was just afraid of someone who didn’t work just farming a bunch of gold getting their BiS for their main spec and off spec and then just leaving the guild.

Right now it seems your main priority is just getting gold since you don’t seem to care about who gets the items.

Also, I do not believe they will monetize WoW with any tokens, so a VISA card isn’t going to be able to assist you. Time is the ultimate currency for Classic and if you’re stuck in the office for 40+ hours a week, you’re not going to be able to farm up gold compared to the person at home. :confused:

Just seems like it would lead to drama with player A who can afford to play WoW all day and then players B-F who cannot and come home to raid and get nothing but maybe 30 gold per run or something. Considering many folks never even got their epic mounts, as you said gold was important in Vanilla.

Best of luck to you and your guild and thanks for clarifying.

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Bumperino to the extreme-o

Finally a truly capitalist loot system, or at least as close as you can get, gold be praised.


EZ Clap :slight_smile:

I am interested in joining the guild, I sent you both friend requests in game.

Send to us on discord. None of us are on retail… mostly on pservers a nd in waiting room games

Bumpity bump