(A) Prot Paladin & Arms War LF Raid Guild

Hi all,

A friend and I are looking for a raiding guild to push content.

About us:
Prot Paladin - 177 iLvl (as of 11/29)
Arms Warrior - 177 iLvl (as of 11/29)

Established professionals outside of WoW, playing together on various games, including Vanilla WoW for near 17 years.

Any weekday starting between 8:15pm and 9pm server (9:15 / 10pm EST)
Weekends any time.

Tolerances: Just about anything goes. We’re not snowflakes. However we’re not looking for a guild that will refuse to replace someone that’s subpar because it’s a friend, girlfriend, spouse, family, etc etc.

Hit me up here, or even shoot me a bnet - MoystTTV#1731 or Discord Unlmtd#1158

Hey I sent you a discord invite. Looking forward to chatting.

Bump bump bump.

Hey guys - we are an old raiding group that dates back many expansions. Due to the current pandemic, we came back to this game with vengeance and started our guild (On Tha Clocc). We are looking to find a good group of people to enjoy some content together. I myself am the guild tank at the moment (182 Blood DK). We need a few more people to fill out our core raiding group. We are all above ilvl 180 and are ready to raid tonight. Let us know if you are interested and we can set up and get everything in order for tonight.