another day another bump
recruiting strong dps and healers
recruitment is still open
Looking to finalise the last remaining spots hit us up!
Still looking for some strong dps applicants get in touch asap
recruiting heals and dps friends
still recruiting strong dps players
Where are all the monks at? Need a monk any spec!
still searching, get in contact if interested
just a bump post
bumping the post
bump lfm for next tier
Recruitment is now open for 9.1
daily bump, one more sleep til 9.1 wooo
bump bum pbu bb imlsmf
2 more sleeps bring on SoD still open to all strong DPS, yes even MDPS
looking for more for heroic (wed and thur) or normal (sun) SoD!
lfm for heroic prog dps and 1x healer (prefer priest or hpal)
Soulrender down (5/10H), still recruiting.
lfm, prefer boomie!