[A] <Precision> [Cael/Nagrand/Saur] 9/10H + 3/10M SoD LFM

grong down, still looking for a healer and strong ranged DPS (pref. Healer OS)

Looking for a healer for eternal palace prog. pls get in contact.

sent request

LFM for tEP N/H/M! pls check recruit needs and get in contact if you’re interested :slight_smile:


Whats your raid times boss?

Hey mate, apologies they are wed+thurs 8:30-11:30pm st

looking for healy bois/gals

Stilling looking for a couple of RDPS as well as a healer (with DPS offspec) and Havoc DH. Great guild come join the push for Ashvane.

Might be a spot or 2 in tonight’s Mythic team come join :slight_smile:

In need of a havoc buddy and a healer or 2

Great bunch of people and really fun to raid with. Hope you pick up your havoc dh and a healer soon :slight_smile:

Great prog on Ashvane… Next week should be the kill… Would love a couple more ranged dps to come join us (Healer offspec highly desirable)

LFM for mythic progression :slight_smile: one group at Orgoza and one group at Ashvane. Get in contact please if you are interested!

Still looking for a few DPS. Healer offspec highly desired.

Bump. Still looking to progress all the way up to 8.3 come join and be apart of a great team

hit us up if you’re looking for a home for 8.3!

I approve this message.

recruiting heals and dps friends

Rebuild gaining momentum just looking for the last couple of dps and or a healer to get back into it.