Guild: <Praetorian Guards>
Faction: Alliance
Server: Sargeras (US)
Progression: 7/9 M
WoWProgress: guild/us/sargeras/Praetorian+Guards
Raid Days and Times:
Tuesday 8pm - 11pm CST
Wednesday 8m - 11pm CST
Thursday 8pm - 11pm CST
Open recruitment- our spots are competitive meaning if you out play us and out attendance us you get our spot.
What sets us apart?
*We have no king.
*Longevity and competitive, yet a toxicity free environment.
*The officer core is made of professorial adults who keep each other in check.
Watch our raid in the works
About Us:
We’re old. The guild was formed prior to the release of WoW (during open beta) and has always been a consistent presence in progression (multiple CE). We value individuals looking for an environment in which they deem comfortable to play in, and engage all members in that environment. This is our home, and has always been. Majority of our members have been playing the game together for many years, and engage in activities outside the game together. This is a community of like minded individuals. We’re organized. People like our raid environment, and we think you will too.
Contact me on Discord / Don#2324 Battle Tag Seph#1103