A possible SV Hunter weapon spec change?

How about the Survival Hunter weapon spec be around THROWN weapons? They would attack with large throwing stars, hand axes, spears, javelins. I think it would bring a cool element back to the game and fix the “failed” melee hunter that SV has seemed to have turned into. Thoughts? I hope I’m not beating a dead horse here


This thread makes me miss the old thrown weapon category of ranged weapons. Never should have been removed from the game.

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I have 7 damaging abilities only 1 of which is melee and 3 of which is me literally throwing something the spec you want is already a thing.

*edit 9 damaging abilites, 8 ranged if you count the 2 you need a bow for.


Thrown weapons always make sense as part of a spec’s toolkit rather than a foundation of the toolkit. From a fantasy perspective it makes a lot more sense to be able to shoot 100 arrows or bullets on a fight than lugging around 100 spears.

As for Survival: you could just fix it by giving it a an actual ranged weapon. Basing the spec on thrown weapons still won’t fix the problem of how jarring it is to choose a class that has a ranged weapon and then a spec that requires you to use a melee weapon instead.


you can use a ranged weapon now, its not worth it but you can (needed if you want to use steady shot and arcane shot)


Ok? If the spec is specifically designed so it isn’t worth it that changes nothing about what I said and still makes it a problem. What was even the point of posting this? To waste time or be a smart alec?

because it makes no sense. You can use a bow now the spec literally lets you play with a bow if you want NOW. Saying its jarring because one spec uses a different weapon to the other spec is just dumb, stay away from warrior and paladins then because they have been known to use shields in some of their specs and not in the others, its jarring.


Its ability to use a ranged weapon now is as irrelevant as Survival’s ability to equip a melee weapon back in MoP and WoD when it was still thoroughly ranged. It actively penalises you for using the weapon type the class comes with and the one the class is mostly themed around.

Warriors are not good examples. All Warriors have melee weapons and the specs focus on different types and numbers of melee weapons. With Hunters it’s a dichotomy between ranged and melee.

“Whatever reason” being that Hunters have always been predicated on ranged weapons and Survival manages to be the only spec in the game explicitly predicated on detracting from the core class just to be different rather than building on it…


Today must be post day for the guys who played hunter for like 3 hours one day and suddenly have the answers

My thought is you’re wrong. Nothing failed imo. MSV is a hell of a lot of fun for me and the only changes I wanna see are a few survivability buffs in pvp and a smidge more dps buffs.

Now If you wanna lobby Blizz for another ranged spec be my guest. There’s already been threads asking for a 4th to be added, but leave my MSV alone.


If “predicated” and “detracting” are too big for you maybe you should spend less time on the forums and more time with a thesaurus. I’m not trying to obfuscate my posts (“obfuscate” means “make it confusing”, by the way); I used those words because they felt natural and described the situation well.

This “SV is no different from MM” argument has always been an ignorant generalisation. You’re just declaring they are the same thing because they both use a ranged weapon and use the same basic weapon types. So what? All 3 Mage specs cast spells; all 3 Warlock specs use fel magic and demons. All 3 Rogue specs dual wield and stealth around. Both Warrior DPS specs are different varieties of “angrily swing a stick”. As it turns out, specialisations are called as such because they take a part of the baseline class and specialise in it, building on top of it to make an identity and playstyle that is both unique and derivative of the class.

MM and ranged SV both used ranged weapons and both had access to pets, but they specialised in different kinds of ranged combat. MM focused more on slow-paced, hardcasted, physical-damaging burst which reflected its identity as the focused sharpshooter with the highest raw skill with a ranged weapon. SV focused on resourcefulness and utilitarianism by using special munitions and enhanced traps which led into a gameplay style that was more mobile, fast-paced, and built around sustained damage over time.

Declaring that both of these were the same is just immature and ignorant. Yes, this counts for the developers who said the same thing around Legion. Those same brains brought us one of the worst-received class overhauls ever (not just SV, by the way) and some of the most embarrassing class design failures this game has known, both in design and tuning.

In any case, even if they were too similar, making Survival melee was the most irrational and poorly-thought-out responses. As I said, specs are meant to build on the core class. They are not meant to take away from it. Doing that just makes the spec feel like a straight downgrade over the other options and that’s exactly how melee SV has been perceived for its entire existence by most players. It fails to appeal to existing Hunters or pull in any particularly significant amount of rerolls. You know what they could have done instead? Just build on the existing MM and ranged SV. It would have been way less effort for a much better result. After all, ranged SV actually had a broad audience.

You originally wondered why people would be asking for SV to be ranged. Is it clear to you yet? Or are you just going to respond with more embarrassing, immature personal attacks?


Wow I didn’t think I would get such “spirited” responses. Some of you need to calm down and take a walk (). I’m guildless and certainly not trying to start a petition about the issue. Some of you have been locked in quarantine & it shows lol. I’m also very aware that it would have to be reworked and other efforts to make the idea happen. I suggested it because as a mail wearer I wasn’t sure how viable a melee spec hunter was as I specced MM/BM, tried SV but was like “meh they should rework the spec for ranged thrown weapons” no hate on other specs just my .02 If you enjoy the spec as is I meant no disrespect, just trying to share ideas. :v:t2:


While I’d rather modernize them to auxiliary weapons or sidearms instead of necessarily a ranged/melee split… same.

Just imagine an MM having a leg-strapped blunderbuss or poisoned throwing axe, for instance—used off the global cooldown for 1-2 charges, but each charge separately reloaded on the GCD (and therefore able to be done without uptime cost from cover, during mechanics that take you out of range or into Turtle, or between pulls). Bursting Shot and Scatter Shot thereby oGCD, usable right in between trap throws for some nice burst utility.

For SV, maybe a repeater handcrossbow or heavy revolver; 3 charges per reload, usable on a ranged variant of any melee skill save for Carve, in place of Aspect of the Eagle. Less bloat, less ridiculous bird-throwing, more thematics and frequent control.

(Finally, allow gear swaps to be queued like any other GCD skill, please, and reduce them to a 1-second GCD incurred…)

I like this, especially finding a way to make the second weapon a viable addition for all three specs, and a basic feature of the class. Makes it easier to develop the early hunter experience to include SV abilities and weapon choices.

Survival isnt failed it’s actually extremely fun and decently designed. Kind of hate losing the azerite traits but it’s still a unique and fun spec.


I want my throwing axes from legion back thank you


I wouldn’t mind those back and calltrops too tbh.


It is a failed spec because despite 2 reworks it fails to appeal to much more beyond a fringe niche group of players. Just because you’re in that niche group doesn’t mean it’s not a failed spec.


But just because you say it’s a niche group doesnt make it so either lol. It works both ways. Theres not many hunters in pvp anyways. Regardless of there being a ranged sv spec or not there wouldn’t be many more hunters if any. Survival is a fun and unique spec.