A possible SV Hunter weapon spec change?

I mean, if we go by population size I think it objectively is pretty niche.

Not that really matters of course. It should stay and I hope blizz continues to design it so it continues to fit hunter thematics while remaining appealing to the few who do enjoy it. Likewise, I still think how it was implemented was a mistake and think a 4th spec would ideally alleviate a lot of tensions we see on these boards.


Yea I can agree with that. When I say I love the new survival people assume I didnt like the old one. Which couldn’t be more untrue. I really liked old survival too and when I heard about the new melee version In legion I was extremely mad. Thought for sure I’d hate it and it was dead to me. Then I tried it and I oddly enough loved it. I think alot of the hunters who dont like it are jaded and havent even tried it. It was unfair to just delete old survival tho I completely agree. To say new survival is a failed spec is wrong tho considering many like it and thinks it’s fun.

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It has a low playerbase in both PvP and PvE and Hazzikostas himself called it a niche spec.

Why not? Ranged Survival was massively more popular and in fact in its last iteration was extremely effective in PvP (since that’s what you seem to be focusing on).

So was ranged Survival, and at least that spec didn’t try to be unique through having a built-in weakness v.s. the other Hunter specs.

That’s the thing: not many like it.

It’s a failure because before Legion it was a widely-enjoyed and effective spec and after Legion it struggles to be either of those things. You might have fun with it regardless but that doesn’t make it a success.


I get where you’re coming from but I didnt take the spec away nor would I have. It could of just been a 4th spec. I just enjoy the new survival as well. Blizzard dropped the ball in not just making it a new spec tbh.

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Its shocking how often Beppisha comes in an derails almost every single SV post.

Can wotlk classic come out so she can finally get a hobby to focus on already, sheesh :woozy_face:


He is not wrong .Blizz made major F up by making highly popular spec that focuses on kiting and staying at range into melee.


Oh darn someone misses something and takes every opportunity to try and bring attention to wanting it back? I mean good on them for standing up for what they want. I would like it back as well. Prefer the fourth spec option. But that’s because I disagree with deleting specs.


Wish we could dual wield or better yet… be ranged again.


Ya it’s annoying when you’re trying to have a dialog then the post gets derailed by the same thing we’ve seen on almost every post about survival

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I have an idea for a talent or just a change. Now this is not finished by all means and they could add a glyph for bow and arrow

Aspect of the Eagle - All your melee abilities are now range(40 yards). You now throw your Polearm/Spear with Mongoose Bite. Mongoose Bite now has 5 charges with x second cd and stacks up to 5. Your pet retrieves your Polearm/Spear. Kill Command will also retrieve another Spear. Serpent Sting now has 20 sec duration, will do x% additional damage for each Mongoose Bite hit. Upon reaching 5 Stacks your next Mongoose Bite will do a 20 sec Serpent Sting instantly. Harpoon(longer cd) will also retrieve Spears and proc a Disengage.

Close. Blizz made a major f up by reworking a highly popular spec to revolve around use of a melee weapon for fantasy themes. In PvP much of the playstyle is still kiting and staying at range.

The public perception seems to be that the dot and kite aspects of the SV spec are gone which probably contributes to the unpopularity.

Admittedly, it would be safe to assume that your focus in any content would be to hit the enemy with your spear as much as possible. Thats just not the case in much of SV pvp.

When did they bring Thrown weapons back?

They haven’t, but they could probably be re-added easily enough as a mock-slot (the like of a Sigil, but for which the item needn’t have an actual ilvl, as it just changes, say, potency, cooldown, and charge count) or merely an element of certain skills with its visual options covered by glyphs.

The “throwing” in what you’ve quoted, though, is simply referring to Chakrams, Wildfire Bomb, and Harpoon.


I’m quoting this only because it seems to suggest that the spec (outside of the low dps numbers, maybe some single target or what have you) is basically good enough, but switch the generic ranged weapon, actual melee weapon for generic melee weapon and an actual ranged weapon .

If thats what you are saying, I dont think most current SV fans would have a problem with that.

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Oh look wingclipt being wingclipt /clap

Nope. That’s you trying to twist what other people say, again. They can fix Survival by going back to a ranged Survival iteration rather than chasing whatever new “cool, exciting experiment!” crosses people’s minds. We wouldn’t want a ranged Survival that for some reason steals a bunch from BM and only gets any meaningful ability interactions via talents, nor would we want a ranged Survival that doesn’t have any of the mechanics that made the old ranged Survival great.


Oh look another lowbie alt hiding in the depths. Got you all triggered eh?

It’s really funny when downright rude people who go around being nasty to everyone accuse others of being “triggered”. No, you’re just a negative, nasty person consistently and I’m pointing it out. Sounds like you’re “triggered”

I’m here for you

This is my story right here.

I truly enjoy the melee version of SV. But I always enjoyed OG SV way more