A plea to Blizzard for regular flying in Dragonflight

It feels like excluding the people with some kind of disability that can’t do it is missing a key part of the rub…


Gabitha " doesnt care " about pathfinder which is why he willfully ignores all the disabled people that have explained to him ( in his thousands of “”““i dont care””“” posts) how this issue affects the disabled.

Gabitha is a troll, or just some loser dude that hates the disabled for not playing “his way” and asking for regular flight to be added with equal effort to unlock it that dragonriding required ALMOST AS IF WE DISABLED WANT TO BE TREATED AS EQUALS TO THE ABLED FOR SOME SILLY REASON


Nope not a Troll, 20 year veteran of the game, a content creator, a person that is in 3 active guilds in WoW, plays with 100’s of other active players daily. I tend to play WoW, Diablo 3 or 4, Star Wars : The old Republic, Second Life and other games almost around 8 hours per day, every day of the week if I so desire. I consider myself a pretty hardcore player due to the time I spend playing the game. Since I am disabled in real life I can say I don’t hate disabled people, I just don’t think video games need to be made easy mode for them. Because I know many who are disabled who are playing WoW just fine in top tier raiding guilds as well as Mythic + teams. The game if easy enough as is, fact is its a little too easy in places. How ever people who do not like my opinions that I state on the forums, don’t bother me, its okay but will not stop me from voicing my opinion and stating how I feel about game play or a topic when it is brought up. So if you wish to call me a Troll because my opinion differs from yours by all means do. I could care less. As far as Pathfinder goes, I will have it 2 weeks or so after the release of 10.2 on Nov 7, thought I doubt I will use any of my old flying mounts actively in the current xpac.

The fact that you have played the game for a long time, created content, and have spent thousands of hours on many games over the years does not in any way legitimize your opinion that disabled people are lazy and should be forced to play the game without accommodations to earn those removed accommodations back.

And all disabled people have the exact same disability, none of which would hinder a player from raiding in a world first guild, right?

I think you should get out of your videogame tribalism box you are in, where you consider 99.9999% of people in the world to be lesser mortals because they don’t play wow, and there’s no excuse for that, is there?


In general, I actually do agree with your message here. I do not think a game developer should feel forced to implement a game that compromises their vision in the name of accessibility. If they can add accessibility options that don’t compromise that vision, that’s a huge bonus. But there are only so many ways a racing game can address the feeling of fast motion for those who have motion sickness, for example.

However, my complaint is not relating to general accessibility in WoW. You actually encapsulated the entire issue I have later in your response:

Unlike previous expansions, Pathfinder doesn’t represent the first time any players can take to the skies. In prior interviews, Blizzard has indicated the reason for Pathfinder was to ensure players got to experience the game from the ground rather than flying over the world. They wanted to make sure we had the opportunity to enjoy the experience that a lot of players would simply avoid in the name of raw efficiency.

But that argument does not apply in Dragonflight. Those who can engage with dragon riding have been able to fly since an hour into the game for the cost of completing a few main story quests you needed to complete to see the story anyway. If we wanted to fly past the world Blizzard built, we could by the second hour of gameplay in the expansion. For a lot of us, we aren’t going to use legacy flying for much even if/when we unlock Pathfinder.

If this were a discussion about adding legacy flying into the Dragon Isles at all, I would be much more sympathetic to the position of not compromising the experience. If Blizzard never intended to bring legacy flying at all, and especially if it would take extra work for them to do so, I would be on the side of developer freedom to create the experience they want. But Blizzard committed to legacy flying coming to WoW within the first couple months of the expansion launch. Whatever downside exists to legacy flying being an option was already determined to be worth enduring to bring it to the expansion.

This is why Pathfinder is so egregious to me in Dragonflight. A good portion of players gain little from having legacy flying; I probably won’t even notice when I get Pathfinder. But the overlap between those that do and those that are not dragon riding for any reason (including disabilities) is likely fairly large. It’s hard to not feel like Blizzard is punishing some disabled players for for the audacity of not being willing or able to engage with a system that isn’t even part of the primary gameplay loop (despite being necessary to complete the story) that is incredibly difficult or impossible due to limitations they had no choice in having.


Someone is important in their own head to think that statement means anything to anyone.

It is not just the disabled and it is not a minority and there is nothing you have done to prove a single thing you have said. We can prove it is not a minority…the population of the damn xpacs zones and vastly dwindling population.

I am neither disabled nor “incapable” of using this GARBAGE dragon flight which was stolen from Guild Wars 2, which I have played for years as well and was doing it before you were. I hate it. Flying faster is not “better” to me and to a lot of other people. Your opinion on this does not matter. You like it, good GO AWAY because getting old school flying back does not effect YOU.

You are just being a jerk and attacking people.


Worst part of it is that BlizZard allowed this toxicity to fester on the forums for months. Worse allowing people to dehumanize others by calling them bots.

The forums even if they no longer use them are a representation of BlizZard and they should have some level of decorum.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


A year. This thread alone was created last year and there have been 100s of others all with almost the exact same people doing the same thing…attacking people wanting old flight back for no reason.


Just because regular flying is added doesn’t mean you have to use it. It’s not going to hurt you, I promise.

If players want to “switch mounts all the time”, let them. It’s their game, it’s them paying their sub. It’s not up to anyone else to determine how they play. People have their reasons and their preferences.


Yeah, Blizzard should just come on the forums and lock n delete all these topics and put and end to it. Totally agree with you.

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I concur that regular flying is what people should be allowed to choose if they want.

True, true but you see this is the product that BlizZard wants to put out with very little thought.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Dragonriding is so much faster than air swimming. Why would you want to float slowly through the air to your destination when you can press space bar a few times and then dive to where you want to go?

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I no longer use dragon flying . Way I look at it ones that do not like old flying are same ones i see on highways driving 80 in a 60 zone .


It has nothing to do with speed for some of us. I can only speak for myself, but I just like the dynamic nature of it. I like that I can fly along slowly if I wish, or go super fast if I wish. I like that I can go down into a dive and then climb back up. That whole feeling of momentum makes it feel fun to me, where as old flying just makes me feel like I am swimming but in the air.

That said, I have always been supportive of having both and just letting people choose.

I run out of guess what

It’s just more engaging. Normal flying I typically just set my character in a direction and toggle auto run while I get up or alt tab to watch something.

With dragon riding I actually pay attention to the game. The flow and momentum feels nice.


You don’t have to run out of vigor to fly slowly, you can just glide around at slow speeds whenever you like. I often do so when I am looking for something on the ground, or I see something interesting. Then I can just use skills to speed away when I wish to go fast again.

Vigor is a non issue. I never ran out of it before, and now there is a skill that gives me back three for free if I ever did. I don’t think I have used it once.

After all the crying the devs did about “skipping over content” by using player flight, they give us an expac where you can literally skip over the entire game on your dragon.



You have to pay attention to the game while TBC flying as well. Always have been. Learned that lesson painfully all the way back in TBC when it first came out. People who alt-tab while flying are idiots.

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Only if you ignore it for too long. I’ll tab back in to make sure i’m on track but that’s about it.

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